Chapter 22

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When Wayne said he was staying at the studio late he didn't' exaggerate, he didn't' come walking through the doors until after 8 in the morning. I was up getting Maliyah ready for our flight out, Wayne walked straight to our room jumping in the shower not even bothering to say hi. After I had finished with Maliyah and fixed her hair we went downstairs and I slipped her in her high chair pouring her a sippy cup of milk. When Wayne reappeared downstairs he walked up to Maliyah giving her a kiss on the forehead before he walked up to me laying his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his waist, "my baby tired." Wayne took a step back shaking his head, "hell yeah feel like I ain't slept in days." I made a face, "then stay here and rest, I can handle picking her up." Wayne shook his head, "I can sleep on the jet." I let out a breath, "Wayne really I mean you..." He looked up at me, "Maci listen to what the fuck I'm saying, what you don't want me going with you." I decided to ignore his whole attitude, I knew he was tired and he could be an ass when he wanted to be.

After arguing for about 10 minutes Wayne finally decided that I could drive to the airport. He was so sleepy he could barely stay awake in the car. The jet was ready and waiting on us so it didn't take long to board and get clearance to lift off. Wayne slept the entire way to Shreveport, we normally flew in to Dallas but Shreveport was closer to home. Maliyah on the other hand talked the whole flight, I guess at least she was trying to keep me company. We had a car waiting on us to pick up at the airport and after we were all loaded in and buckled up we headed to my home town. Wayne was being weird, he had jumped in the driver seat and turned the radio up louder than needed to be. Looking back I saw Maliyah falling asleep, she was trying her hardest to keep her eyes open but it wasn't' working.

Sighing I turned back toward the front turning down the radio causing Wayne to cut his eyes at me. "I ain't' in the mood Maci." I let out a breath, "I don't fucking care what is your problem." Wayne shook his head, "I ain't got no fucking problem, you're the one fucking tripping." I just looked at him as he cranked the radio back up. He needed to smoke a blunt I swear to God, he was on my fucking nerves. As soon as we were close I sent Ryan a text letting him know we would be there soon. He had sent a text back saying he was at his momma's house and I groaned. I was not in the mood for her, Ryan, and Wayne. When we hit the city limits I turned down the radio telling Wayne how to get to Gail's. He never said a word to me just turned when I said turn.

As soon as we were within sight of Gail's I saw Fallon outside playing on the hill by her house. She looked up and as soon as she saw us in the car she took off running. The minute the car stopped I jumped out catching Fallon as she flung herself at me. She was talking so fast I could hardly understand what she was saying. I picked her up walking to the porch seeing Gail sitting by some girl who I could only assume was Trina. Gail and the girl was both looking me up and down. I was so not in the mood to deal. Ryan walked out the door causing me to look up. He had her bags in his hand and for once I was glad to see him. "She wasn't' bad was she." Ryan made a face shaking his head, "not my baby girl, she just has a mouth like her momma." I arched my eyebrow at him causing him to laugh. Ryan and I started walking toward the car and I heard Trina say something under her breath, I turned my head looking back and her and she mean mugged me. I rolled my eyes at her. "Where did you find her, she a hot mess." Ryan shrugged, "What you care." I sighed, "Fallon, Ryan you got that bitch around my baby."

Ryan stopped walking looking at me, "look who you got my kid around Maci." I glanced up seeing Wayne wasn't' even paying us attention he was all into his phone. "Whatever Ryan, I'm not in the mood." Ryan started walking again, "you still getting married." I looked over at him, "why wouldn't I be?" He shook his head grinning, "just asking." He put the bags in the trunk before grabbing Fallon and hugging and kissing her bye. He had to make her go hug Gail and Trina bye. As soon as Fallon crawled in the back seat she leaned in the front seat hugging Wayne. He leaned over kissing her forehead. "Hey little momma, you ready to go home." Fallon nodded yes as I drug her back to strap her in her seat. Ryan stood beside us and him and Wayne did the whole stare each other down bit. I rolled my eyes as I shut the door turning to him. "Alright, she will call you tonight." He nodded as he turned to walk back to the porch. Trina and Gail were trying to look a little too hard, probably at Wayne but I just ignored them as we started backing out the driveway.

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