Chapter 27

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Wayne and I spent two weeks kid free in St. Barts, I wont lie I missed my baby girls, but Wayne kept me distracted. It was nice to not have to worry about him having to run to the studio or take a million calls. His cell was turned off, the only reason my cell stayed on was for Jacidia, in case she needs us for the girls. Wayne was completely relaxed, I don't think I had ever seen him so carefree with no worries. In fact I had to about strangle him to get him to quit singing "no worries." He knew that song aggravated the hell out of me and he thought it was hilarious to get me worked up.

In a way I was sad to leave, Wayne and I never got true alone time anymore and I had enjoyed it. Glancing in the mirror as I stepped out the shower I rubbed my stomach, in the two weeks since Wayne and I said our vows, I felt like I had doubled in size, my stomach had a clear bump in it now. At fourteen weeks my morning sickness had ebbed some, only coming back at full force at the smell of certain foods. As if I didn't love Chinese enough that's all I seemed to crave, that and orange soda. Wayne thought the orange soda was hilarious, I normally hated orange anything, he told me that was the black craving coming from the babies. Sighing I wrapped a towel around my stomach running a comb through my hair.

Walking into the bedroom I saw Wayne had turned his phone on and was going through his missed text at the moment. I arched my brow at him, "problems?" Wayne shrugged, "nothing they can't handle, I told you I'm taking a couple months off, Baby can run my part of things for now." I shrug dropping my towel causing him to put his phone down. "Look how big I've gotten." Wayne bit his lip, "ain't nobody looking at your belly right now." I rolled my eyes grabbing a pair of panties and a bra slipping them on. "Umm no you've got enough and we have a flight to catch." Wayne shrugged, "Your supposed to love, honor, and obey." I laughed, "umm that wasn't part of our vows, but good try." Wayne groaned, "I knew I forgot something." I walked to him and he put his hands on my waist leaning his head against my stomach. "You ready to see the girls." I nodded, "yeah I miss my baby girls, I'm sure they are driving your mom fucking insane." Wayne laughed, "prolly."

The jet ride home was peaceful even though  Wayne and I spent half the time arguing over baby names, whether they should rhyme, if they should start with the same letter, we argued over if we should come up with girls names, boys names, or both. I hated not knowing what I was having that was always the hardest part, the wait. I still had at least 6 weeks to wait before I would be able to find out. Wayne had his own theory about what the babies would be, he was positive we were having twin boys, I didn't have a clue what we were having. With Maliyah I had kinda had a feeling I was having a girl but with this baby I had no feelings one way or the other.

It was already dark when we had landed, I insisted Wayne stop and get me a cherry vanilla dr pepper which he did without too much complaint. He was hungry so we ordered burgers and fries to go. As we pulled up at the house Wayne and I grabbed our food and drinks deciding our bags could wait until later and headed into the house. Walking past the kitchen we walked to the living room flipping the lights on. Wayne sat down grabbing the remote and turned on espn. "Ugh Wayne nooooo." I whined. He glanced over at me, "after all the shit you had me watching when we were laid up in bed at the hotel." I arched my brow ginning, "Umm I dond't remember watching no tv when we were in bed." Wayne smirked at me, "eat lil momma before I drag your ass up stairs." I shrugged grabbing my burger and fries out of the bag.

We had both finished eating and I was snuggled up to Wayne complaining about my drink being gone when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Wayne was completely lost in the tv, I frowned surely I was seeing shit. I looked back out the glass door leading outside and jerked Wayne's arm. He looked down at me frowning but I pointed at the door and even with the glare from the light we could see someone was in Fallon's swing swinging. Wayne jumped up going to the bookshelf by the fireplace and pulling a gun out of God knows where turning around, "Maci, go upstairs." I shook my head, "you come with me, we can call 911." Wayne shot me a look, walking toward the glass door unlocking it and throwing it open. "Fuck, its Dhea." I had started walking up the stairs but quickly turned back around. "Defiantly call the cops, Wayne last time she was here she tried to fucking kill me." I saw him hit the silent alarm button on the security panel.

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