Chapter 12

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Wayne and I just chilled at the hotel most of the afternoon. It wasn't' till night fell that his phone started going crazy. It seemed like everyone was wanting him to spend his last night in LA with them. I could tell Wayne really wanted to go out but didn't know what to do about me. Sighing I plopped down on the couch beside him. "Just go Wayne, you know you want to." Wayne put his hand on my thigh squeezing, "I'm good baby." I made a face at him. "Don't lie go on, just stay out of trouble." Wayne leaned closer to him kissing my forehead. "We should have brought Ms. Rosa so you could come out with me." I shrugged, "Baby its OK, just go. Promise me you wont come back too late." Wayne nodded. "Promise me you'll be ready for me when I get home." I cut my eyes at Wayne as I moved to straddle him, his hands automatically went round my waist. "Damn I might not wanna leave." I grin leaning in to kiss him. "Just hurry home to me." Wayne started kissing on my neck and I had to push him off me. "If you don't leave now I might not let you."

Fallon and Maliyah were both asleep by the time Wayne had changed and was ready to leave. I had wend ahead and changed into some shorts and a tank top and was sitting on the bed flipping through the channels when he came and sat down beside me. "You make me feel guilty about leaving you." I arched my brow, "why I haven't said anything to you." Wayne leaned his head against mine. "Both babies are out and your just sitting here all alone." I rolled my eyes. "Wayne what do you think i'd be doing if I wouldn't have came up here with you." He let out a breath kissing me again. "Aight baby, you get to missing me too bad call me." I made a face at him shoving him. "Boy go on hell." Wayne got up laughing and as he started to walk through the doorway I yelled at him. He turned around and I grinned at him. "By the way I'm always ready for you so you be ready for me when you get home." Wayne bit his lip grinning. "Your going to regret saying that to me." I rolled my eye grinning. "Bye Dwayne." He nodded. "Love you girl." I nodded. "Love you too lil boy."

When Wayne left I was beyond bored, I did manage to find some stuff on TV to watch but it didn't keep my interest long. I walked in the main room grabbing a coke out of the minibar. I wasn't even hungry but grabbed a slice of pizza out of the takeout box that we had left over from earlier. I walked back in the room collapsing in the bed. Was it too late to text Wayne and tell him I missed him. I took another bit of my pizza, I was pathetic. I wasn't the least bit sleepy and as much as I loved the movie on TV it just wasn't doing it for me. I leaned over reaching in my bag pulling my head phones out turning my itunes on. I leaned back against the headboard taking a drink of my coke. Nope this wasn't doing it for me either. I groaned pulling my headphones back out. OK Maci what the hell would you be doing if you were home. I laughed hell the same thing I was doing now. I walked to my suitcase pulling my computer out.

Around 2 I finally gave in and put my computer up turning the TV off. I still found myself unable to sleep tossing and turning. I let out a sigh of relief when I heard the door open. "About damn time." Wayne laughed turning on the lights and kicking off his shoes. "My baby meant she'd be up huh." I rolled my eyes. "I couldn't sleep." Wayne pulled his shirt off before sitting on the edge of the bed. "You just needed daddy to put you to sleep." I laughed. "Whatever." Wayne laughed leaning back putting his head in my lap. I started playing with his dreads. I made a face at him. "Get your ass up." Wayne reached his hands up pulling my face down to place a kiss on my lips. I looked down at him shaking my head. "Your eyes are red as fuck." He grinned. "Get up and go turn the lights off." I shook my head. "Your the one who turned them on." Wayne leaned his head back arching his eyebrow at me. "Ugh fine." I stood up turning the lights off and as I got back in the bed I crawled over him. Wayne's hands automatically went to my waist. I leaned down kissing his tattooed chest. Wayne pulled my face up. "You trying tease." I shrugged letting out a shriek as Wayne flipped me to my back and started kissing my neck running his hands under my shirt cupping my breast. "So you can tease me but I can't tease you." Wayne licked his lips pulling my shirt off in one swift movement. "Baby I haven't' begun to start teasing you."

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now