Chapter 9

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Adrianna stayed at the hotel until around 9:30, Fallon insisted she wanted to spend the night with her so I sent her on her way telling Adrianna she had no idea what she had gotten herself into. She used to watch Fallon all the time but that was a long time ago when she was like 2, now she was about to be 4 and omg was she a mess. Wayne had sent me a text around 11 saying he would be a couple more hours and asked me if I had ate. Thankfully Adrianna and I had ordered a pizza so I was good. I had already feed Maliyah and she was asleep in the bed. Taking a quick shower I changed into a tank and some boy shorts before slipping in the bed beside her. There was absolutely nothing on TV and I ended up watching some old movie on amc. I wasn't really in to it so I wasn't surprised when I started drifting off.

When I awoke the TV was off, I reached out putting my hand on Maliyah's back and felt Wayne. I was tempted to reach out for my phone to see what time it was but thought better of it. I could barley see in the room it was still dark outside. I wrapped my arm around Maliyah snuggling up to her. Wayne felt me move and reached out rubbing my arm. "You awake." I nodded. "Yeah, you been here long." Wayne yawned. "Hell naw, I just got out the shower. Gotta leave early in the morning. You going to be here or at Adrianna's." I closed my eyes. "Here she is bringing Fallon back when they get up and moving." Wayne laughed. "So after lunch." I grinned opening my eyes back. "So have you talked to Chris?" Wayne got quiet for a minute. "Yeah why? We can't get in between them Maci. He's my boy and I love Adrianna like a sister, but as far as their relationship goes you have to stay out of it." I bit my lip, if he only knew. "Mmmm K." Wayne sighed. "Maci don't be hardheaded." I laughed. "I'm trying to go back to sleep."

Wayne's alarm on his phone woke me up, he reached out hitting snooze and rolled back over. I got up and ran to the bathroom and when I came back in the room I went to Wayne's side of the bed and snuggled up to him. He had to roll on his side so I could fit and he threw his arm around me so I wouldn't fall off the bed. "Your damn daughter is taking up the whole damn bed." I hide my face under Wayne's neck. "She gets that from her daddy." Wayne kissed my forehead and we just held each other till his alarm went off again. He reached out this time hitting OK. "Ugh don't leave me." Wayne rubbed my back, "Baby just wait after the wedding I'm all yours for a couple of months." I looked at him, "Well besides the awards that I'll have to go too." I shook my head, "that's OK, you have to go to that." Wayne rolled on his back putting me on top of him. "I gotta get up baby girl." I frowned as I pushed up off him. "Fine." I carefully avoided Maliyah and laid back down on my side of the bed.

I watched Wayne get dressed and when he was done with everything he had to do he walked over to me kissing me bye. "Ill be out late again tonight." I nodded giving him a pouty face. "It's OK." Wayne looked down at me for a minute. "I love you girl, text me if you need anything." I nodded. "Love you too." As he walked out of the room I rolled over trying to go back to sleep. Maliyah snuggled up to me and I couldn't help but curl around her and fall back asleep. Maliyah woke up fussing and I sighed as I reached out for her. "You hungry baby girl." I sat up feeding her flipping through the channels at the same time. It was around 10 and I was starving myself. As soon as Maliyah was done eating I propped her up on some pillows beside me and started looking at the hotel menu. It was too late for breakfast and they had too much stuff I wanted for lunch. I ended up ordering a club sandwich with avocado and some spicy curly fries with a coke. After I ordered, I dressed in some black leggings that had multi colored crosses on them and a off the shoulder black shirt with a hot pink tank underneath it.

I had just dressed Maliyah when I heard the knock at the door. Maliyah and I walked to the door opening it stepping to the side so the guy could set our tray down. I pulled some money out of my bag and gave the guy a tip thanking him as he left. I sighed wishing I had Maliyah's swing or at least her bouncy so I could sit her in it while I ate. The food was good but I couldn't finish it all. Maliyah had just drifted off to sleep and I hadn't laid her down long before I heard a knock at the door. I opened it up already knowing it was Adrianna and Fallon. Adrianna groaned. "Ugh your daughter woke me up like way too early." I laughed, "what is too early?" She pulled her sunglasses off her head. "Like 11." I rolled my eyes going to sit back down on the couch." Fallon ran to the coffee table grabbing my leftover food. "Have you ate?" Adrianna looked at Fallon. "Hell yeah we have ate, that girl is just greedy." I laughed. "How are you feeling." She shrugged. "Like shit." I frowned at her. "Well do you plan on telling him while we are down." Adrianna sighed. "Yeah I guess, God knows the next time you will be down." I nodded. "Well are you going to call him or..." Adrianna shook my head. "Get Wayne to invite him over." I glanced at her. "You sure." She nodded, "positive."

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