Chapter 6

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The girls and I arrived at the studio a little after 12. Fallon ran in ahead of my running and jumping in Wayne's arms. I knew the minute he looked up at me he had forgot he had ever said anything about meeting him for lunch. I let out a deep breath nodding at some of the other people sitting around the sound board with him. Wayne stood up still holding Fallon and nodded for me to follow him. We walked to his office and he shut the door behind us. Sitting down on his couch I sat the diaper bag down, "I take it you forgot about lunch." Wayne bit his lip sighing reaching out for Maliyah, probably so I wouldn't throw shit at him. "I forgot all about it, been mad busy this morning." I watched him reach in a drawer and get Fallon a sucker. "So you can't go eat with us?" Wayne sat down beside me leaning back kissing Maliyah's forehead. "Not right now, we can order something maybe." Wayne glanced up at me and I shook my head feeling tears threaten to spill. I stood up grabbing the diaper bag holding out my hands for Maliyah. "Just give me my child so I can go home."

Wayne arched his brows at me. "She ain't mine?" I looked down at him making a face. "Just give her here, Fallon come on we are going home." Fallon immediately fell out hitting the ground crying. I so was not in the mood for her attitude today. I reached down grabbing her arm yanking her up. "Get your butt up right now before I give you a reason to fall out." Wayne stood up "Maci baby don't take your anger on me out on her." I just glanced at him as he handed me Maliyah and reached down picking Fallon up. "You hungry lil momma?" Fallon shook her head. "Momma said we was eating with you." I rolled my eyes, "yeah I thought we was." I started walking toward the door but Wayne grabbed my arm. "We can order something baby, I just can't leave right now. " I nodded, "whatever Wayne." Fallon laid her head against Wayne's chest. "You want some Chinese, that's mommy's favorite." Fallon shook her head yes, and I just ignored Wayne until he let out a deep breath. "I'll be right back."

Wayne walked out leaving me and Maliyah in his office alone. I went and sat in his big chair and started spinning around in it. I turned Maliyah around, "your daddy is being an ass Maliyah." I smiled down at her placing a kiss on her forehead when I noticed the calender on Wayne's desk. He had told me he was going out of town, but neglected to tell me he would be in LA for an entire week. I shook my head, a couple of days huh." When Wayne walked back in he shook his head and I knew he knew that I knew. "Maci not right now please, not now." I shrugged, "It's whatever, I don't give a fuck anymore." Fallon looked at me 'Ohhhhh mommy said a bad word." Wayne grinned down at her. "I know mommy needs her butt spanked." Fallon busted out laughing and I rolled my eyes at him. "Rasheed is on his way to get the food. I'm going to go back in the studio until he gets back, you OK with that." I refused to look up at him. "K." Wayne let out a deep breath before setting Fallon down and walking out the room slamming the door. Fallon turned around looking up at me, "Wayne mad at you mommy." I rolled my eyes. "Good cause Mommy is mad at him too."

I turned on the TV and Fallon sat on the couch watching cartoons. Maliyah started fussing so I fed her. Her greedy little butt fell asleep eating, something she does almost every single time she eats. Fallon and I rearranged the couch cushions so Maliyah could lay on the couch surrounded in Pillows. I was ready to go home, I didn't know how to handle Wayne at the moment. I sat staring into space trying to decide if it was even worth it to fight with Wayne, I mean sometimes with him you had to pick and choose your battles. I wasn't really mad he had forgot about asking us to meet him for lunch, I was more hurt that he forgot. I was however pissed that he had told me he would be going out of town a couple of days but forgot to mention he would be gone a whole week and to LA at that. I could have went and stayed with Adrianna. He used to always want me to go out of town with him. I know when I was pregnant I couldn't travel as much but hell I had no reason not to travel now. I let my mind wonder and found that I shouldn't I have a tendency to think negative thoughts. Maybe that was my problem, I never saw the good I seemed to always focus on the bad.

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