Chapter 23

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Sleep was not my friend the remainder of the night. The steady flow of nurses in and out and the beeping of the machines Wayne was hooked up too didn't help at all. I had even tried putting my headphones in thinking that would help but I just couldn't fall asleep not knowing what was going on with him. Around 6:30 a nurse brought me a tray for breakfast, I thanked her not really feeling hungry but I could deal with the coffee. I flipped through the TV channels not finding anything worth a damn to watch, giving up I sat the remote down standing up and going to the bathroom to change clothes. Walking out I glanced at Wayne, he was still in the same position that I left him. I sighed going back to sit in the chair beside his bed looking through my email.

My lack of sleep had finally started catching up with me so I decided to go downstairs and get another cup of coffee. Walking to the cafeteria I got a french vanilla flavored coffee, the small coffee from breakfast just didn't do it. I took my time walking back to Wayne's room, I needed time to think, I needed space to breath. I sighed as I opened the door shutting it behind me, I had taken a couple of steps in the room when I saw Wayne was laid on his side. His back was to me, I bit my lip as I slowly walked around the edge of the bed. I frowned seeing he was still asleep, "Wayne." I walked closer brushing his dreads back from his face. He started moving so I sat on the edge of the bed beside him watching his eyes. "Baby its time to wake up, you can't do this to me now, got me feeling all guilty and shit." I grabbed his hand caressing his thumb with mine.

I turned my head as I saw his doctor walk in. "Any improvements." I shrugged, "he rolled on his side and was stretching a minute ago, but he he hasn't opened his eyes yet." Dr Vess shook his head, "any progress is good, if he was as tired as you said he was I'm sure his body is just trying to catch up on its rest. Just keep talking to him, all of his test came back fine. His nurse is going to come take him off of oxygen in a minute." I nodded watching him write in his chart. I was still talking to the doctor when the nurse came in taking his vitals and removing the oxygen. Wayne kept moving his face as the nurse took his oxygen off. The doctor nodded, "he should be up soon, he seems to be moving around a lot, as soon as he wakes let us know." I nodded thinking well duh but didn't say anything.

After they left the room I sat back on the edge of the bed, Wayne was now back on his back. I sighed leaning down laying my head on his chest, the steady rise and fall of his chest gave me some comfort. I felt myself trying to drift off so I sat up reaching for my coffee, Wayne stretched his legs moving to his side. Glancing down at him I lightly pushed at his chest. "Damn it Wayne quit punishing me and wake up." I sighed taking a sip of my coffee, "I hope you don't think this makes up for you being an ass." I looked up at the TV grabbing the remote flipping again through the channels, after going through the all the channels at least twice I stopped it on some lifetime movie and was trying to get into it when I felt something touch my back. "I ain't watching this shit." I about dropped my cup turning around at break neck speed. Wayne had his eyes half open watching me as I leaned forward putting my cup down before grabbing his hand. "How do you feel." I reached out to touch his forehead and he moved his head away from my hand. "Why the fuck you not answer me when I called you."

I sighed, really he wanted to wake up fighting. "I was mad OK, you were being an ass, you know I love you, I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to not talk to you but at the time I thought it was. I feel like crap now, I fucking love you Wayne, I just want to make you happy, I just want to love you and you make it so damn hard sometimes." Wayne made a face at me, "I don't want to hear it, how long have I been in here." I frowned at him feeling a tear escape out of my eyes. "You came in last night around 2." I went to stand up but Wayne's arm shot out grabbing mine. "Don't you ever fucking ignore me again." I nodded at him not knowing what to say, I had assumed he would wake up and be back to normal but it didn't' look that way. I reached out to grab the button to call the nurse but Wayne shook his head, "I'm not ready to deal with that shit right now." I sighed, "Wayne what is wrong." He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, "you can talk to me baby, you're marrying me do you not trust me enough with your problems." Wayne licked his lips looking straight at me, "you are my problem Maci."

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now