Chapter 19

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Sunday morning came way to fast, Wayne and I laid in bed as long as possible before getting up and taking a shower. As usual Wayne made his way into the shower interrupting me, but I have to admit I didn't complain one bit. Getting out of the shower I changed into some white shorts and a peach colored top and did the least amount of makeup possible deciding to just let my hair be wavy today, straightening it was so not going to happen.

While Wayne smoked I called Adrianna letting her know we were about to fly out. I could hear Maliyah in the background and was so ready to get my sweet baby girl back in my arms. I enjoyed my Wayne time, but I missed my little munchkin. Hanging up I walked out on the balcony finding Wayne leaned over the rail. "Please stop before you fall, I would be lost without you." Wayne turned toward me pulling me to him, "I wouldn't leave you baby girl." I rolled my eyes but had a huge grin on my face. "So when are you going to leave me?" Wayne let out a deep breath, "tonight, I'll be able to spend a couple hours at home."I frowned laying my head on his chest. "Not fair." He laughed leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Life's a bitch Maci." I shook my head, "yeah so I've heard."

The flight to LA took no time and as soon as we saw Maliyah she started squealing and holding her hands out. Wayne grabbed her first giving her a kiss before handing her over to me so he could help Chris with her stuff. "Look at momma's baby." I said giving her what had to be a million kisses. Adrianna laughed, "tell your momma to get off you damn, it was only two days, not even two full days." I shook my head. "My Liyah loves her mommy." Chris and Wayne had walked up to us and I handed Maliyah back to her daddy. "That damn girl is greedy, you hear me?" Wayne cut his eyes looking at Chris, "you going to call somebody greedy, hell she prollly learned it from you."

After saying our goodbyes we got on our flight home. Maliyah was glued to her daddy. The closer we got to Miami the more nervous I got. Wayne held my hand. "Baby you will be OK, Rasheed is staying in town to watch over the house, you want me to put him in the house?" I shook my head, "No I'm a big girl." Wayne smiled kissing Maliyah's head, she was asleep on his chest. "Besides you got my little soldierette here to protect you." I rolled my eyes, "don't ever call her that again. You just promise me you will be home before my birthday" Wayne nodded kissing my knuckles. "I promise baby." I eyed him. "I mean it Dwayne Carter." He made a face at me, "baby have faith in ya boy, I will be there, might be running late, but I'll always show up for you." I turned my head looking at him, "so what you getting me for my birthday?" Wayne grinned at me and I saw the mischievous glint in his eyes. I laughed shaking my head, "Umm, no, I get that regardless." Wayne laughed, "Aight, I see I'mma have to put your ass on restriction." I rolled my eyes, "bet you break first."

As soon as we made it home I called to talk to Fallon. Some girl answered Ryan's phone talking about who the fuck is this. I know I sat there shocked for a minute, "This is Fallon's mother, now where the hell is Ryan." She made some kind of smacking soud and I could feel the attitude through the phone. Ryan got on, "yeah what you want." I sighed, "Ryan really you need to check ya girl." Ryan laughed, "Fallon don't like her ass either." I didn't see what was so funny but whatever. "So how has Fallon been?" Ryan Yawned, "baby girl is good, she outside playing with Trina's little girl now. So you inviting me to this wedding of yours I been hearing all about?" I frowned, "why so you can act a fool and get into it with Wayne?"

Hearing his name Wayne walked in the kitchen where I was sitting at the bar. I muted the phone, "this bitch wants to come to the wedding." Wayne cut his eyes at me, "let his ass, bet he won't do shit." I unmuted the phone cutting into whatever Ryan was saying. "Alright, you can come, after all Fallon is my flower girl." Ryan was quiet for a second, "you going to let me bring my girl." I rolled my eyes, "yeah I guess but I swear to God if you ruin my wedding day..." Ryan cut in, "Maci like I fucking care, I moved on, maybe you should too." Ugh Ryan pisses me the fuck off and I banged my head against the counter, "Put my baby on the phone." Ryan laughed calling Fallon to the phone but before he would hand it to her he had the nerve to tell me I was jealous. I swear that boy was fucking stupid, jealous of what.

Fallon got on the phone talking 90 to nothing. "Hey baby girl, momma misses you." Fallon laughed, "I miss you too mommy, I playing with Oceana now." I nodded my head, "you having fun," I asked. "Yep but I don't liek daddy's Trina, she yell too much." I rolled my eyes, I could only imagine. She sounded ratchet as hell. After I talked to her she wanted to talk to Wayne so I grabbed Maliyah handing him the phone. Maliyah was beginning to fuss so I walked in the living room sitting in the reclyner feeding her. When Wayne walked back in he handed me the phone and after a few minutes I said bye and told her I would talk to her later.

Hanging up I leaned my head against against Wayne's shoulder. "You want me to help you pack?" He shook his head, "nope, I want your ass to go lay my little girl down so you can give me a proper goodbye." I rolled my eyes grinning at him. "Who is spoiled now?" Wayne pointed at me making me laughed at him. He stood up holding his hand out to pull me up. Taking Maliyah from me he kissed the top of her head. "Imma miss my girls." I shrugged, "stay home with us then." Wayne started up the stairs, "you know that isn't an option, now get your ass up these stairs." I shoved him following behind him. "You really think you run shit don't you?" Wayne turned his head smirking, "run your ass don't I"

I went ahead to the bedroom while Wayne laid Maliyah in her crib. I was sad Wayne had to fly out tonight. Glancing up I saw him posted up in the doorway."Whats that frown bout baby?" I laid back on the bed, "Cause my sexy ass fiance is leaving me for God knows how long." Wayne plopped down beside me kicking off his shoes before rolling on top of me and nudging my laps apart so he could lay between them. He ran kisses over my throat and collar bone causing me to shiver. I was addicted to Wayne, had been since that first night I spent in his arms. I giggled as Wayne nipped at my neck, "you better not mark me up." Wayne laughed, "why you my girl, I can put my claim down." I pulled his dreads pulling him down to kiss him. "Ugh why you so addictive?" Wayne laughed in my neck, "could ask you the same question."

Wayne went back to teasing and slide my shirt up pulling my breast out of my bra, I bit my lip. He leaned up tired of fooling with my clothes and we both undressed throwing clothes everywhere. Wayne crawled back up the bed giving me kisses then working his way down my body. I sighed closing my eyes enjoying the feel of his lips on my flesh. I ended up having to beg him to stop teasing, I wanted him far to bad and he was driving me crazy. Wayne always made sure I was completely satisfied before finding his own release and by the time we were done we both lay in each others arms completely out of breath.

When he got up to go take a shower I groaned but followed him in, I knew he was about to go. The shower took longer than expected but o well, that's just the way things go in our house. I watched him dress then pack his bags in silence. I had changed into a white and teal chevron pattern sundress. Wayne zipped his bag up walking up to me leaning down to kiss me. "Don't be sad, I'll call you every day." I rolled my eyes, "you better call every night too." Wayne laughed at me, "so demanding, you know I do my girl right." I shrugged, "when your home you do." Wayne stuck out his lips at me and I leaned in kissing them. "I'm going to cry." I said looking down feeling my eyes start to water, Wayne pulled me up into his arms. "You didn't get enough Tunechi this weekend?" I shook my head grinning wiping the tear that fell, "I could never get enough Tune." He smiled leaning down to kiss me before we walked in Maliyah's room and he leaned down picking her up to hug and kiss her bye, she was still asleep and snuggled closer to his chest.

Wayne kissed her forehead one last time gently laying her back down, "take care of my little momma for me Maci." I nodded at him as he grabbed my hand. "You know I'd give my life for that baby right there." We walked downstairs and he called Cortez letting him know he was ready. Wayne held me in his arms until he got the text that he was outside. I know Wayne kissed me bye about ten times before he walked out the door. I grinned to myself, he tried to be all hard, but he was so loving and caring. I sighed looking around the house, the memories of that night came back as I glanced at the stairs but I quickly shoved them out of my head.

Walking back upstairs I checked on Maliyah seeing she was still asleep so I walked in my bedroom pulling out my computer and getting online. I was looking at my emails and found one from Janet, I missed her so much, she was the best manager I had ever worked for. I wrote her back telling her how much I missed her. Her son had moved to Destin and I told her when she comes down to visit she would have to come see me. Some days I was still shocked I lived in this big ass house, Wayne was too good to me. I wiped my eyes feeling a tear escape, things had been hard for so long and when he came into my life he made everything better. I knew I clung to him a little too much but I loved that boy with my whole heart and soul. I would be lost without his goofy ass.

I heard Maliyah start to fuss so I jumped up going in her room. She stopped crying giving me a frowny face. "Hey momma, its just me and you, daddy's gone." As if she understood she started babling and I nodded my head, "yeah mean old daddy." I took her downstairs sitting her in her highchair. I pulled her out two baby food jars, one sweet potato and one banana. She ate half of each before she ended up paying more than eating. I laughed at her, she always managed to get more food on her face than in her mouth. Wiping her face clean she started fussing, "you can't go around looking like that momma, your too pretty of a girl." I pulled her out giving her a cup sitting her in her walker before running in the kitchen and grabbign a bottle of water putting some flavor in it and grabbign a bag of chips.

As I walked back in the living room I turned the tv on some cartoons that seemed to catch Maliyah's attention and sat back feet propped up eating. I grabbed my phone sending Brooklyne a text seeing what she was up too. She text back telling me she was bored so I invited her over to be bored with me. When she got to the house I looked at her shocked, "Omg you cut your hair." She turned around showing her short spunky new cut." You like, Malachi had a heart attack." I nodded, "yeah, its different though, wasn't expecting that." She laughed at me, "I see your growing your hair out, Wayne got you long hair don't care attitude." I rolled my eyes, "I just got this shit cut its growing too fast."

Brooklyne started acting nervous so I finally broke, "What is wrong with you, your driving me insane." She shrugged her shoulders, "well I'm glad you called, I been wanting to talk to you." I eyed her, "don't tell me its about Wayne." I felt my heart stop I swear. She shook her head. "No, I just needed a friend. I think I'm pregnant, but I'm too scared to go buy a test, I really really don't want to be right now, the timing is all wrong." I looked over at her, "you will be OK but lets go buy a test, you got to go in it will be all on TMZ tonight." She laughed, "I'm scared though." I made a face, "you will be fine, come on I will drive.

It didn't take long to go to the store and when we got back I put Maliyah back in her walker letting her bang away on the toys on it. She had bought a test with two test in it and was reading the instructions. I grabbed them out of her hands, "Brook, you bought a digital test it will either say pregnant or not pregnant." She sighed, "Maci take it with me." I shook my head laughing at her, "you want me to pee on the stick with you." She laughed, "no you idiot, I want you to pee on this one and I pee on that one so we can do it together." I rolled my eyes, "But I'm not pregnant." She shrugged, "for me please." I sighed grabbing one of the test from her, "fine you use the guest bathroom down here, and I'll use the one upstairs." She shook her head, "OK but you better run back down here."

By the time I came back downstairs she was pacing around with the stick in her hand. "Its the stupid hour glass, come on already." I rolled my eyes, "sit down hell." We sat side by side sticking our test in front of us on the coffee table. "Remind me to bleach this shit when we are done." She laughed but then let out a breath. "Not preg thank you Jesus." I laughed, "See I told you it would be OK." I glanced down ready to pick my test up and we both froze. "OMG Maci, your pregnant." I blinked my eyes, "We must have this shit switched." She shook her head, no you put yours right in front of you and I put mine right in front of me." I sat there stunned for a minute , I was pregnant again. "Damn Wayne I said no babies till after the wedding." Brooklynne giggled and I just looked off into space.

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now