Chapter 10

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When Wayne's alarm went off he tried his best to slide out from under me without waking me up but I clung on to him whining. "Noooo." He wrapped his arms around me tighter. "You want me home early you better let me up." I opened my eyes looking at him. "You work too damn much." Wayne laughed placing a kiss on my lips. "After the wedding when I'm staying home with you everyday you better not complain once." I made a face at him pulling the covers up. Wayne got up taking a shower before he dressed. Before he left he promised me he would be home early. I rolled over trying to get comfortable, my pillow was gone. I sighed stretching my legs. I was anxious for tonight, I could only imagine how Adrianna was feeling.

I got up around 10 and took a shower before changing into a pair of black shorts and a hot pink tank top. I put on some makeup and straightened my hair. Adrianna had text me saying that her and the girls were eating breakfast but would be on their way later. I didn't feel like eating I actually felt sick to my stomach. I rubbed my stomach, why was I nervous. I started reading a story on my phone that I had started months ago and never finished. It wasn't long before Adrianna text me saying they were in the lobby so I sat my phone down and stood at the door waiting on them. Fallon ran up and jumped up in my arms giving me a kiss before scurrying down to go play with her toys. Maliyah was giving me a huge grin from her car seat. When Adrianna sat her seat down I quickly went and unbuckled her giving her a million kisses. She didn't' seem to mind just cooed at me. "Momma missed her lil princess." Adrianna rolled her eyes.

After loving on Maliyah I put her in her bouncy seat and looked at Adrianna who was nervously playing with her necklace. "Well are you ready for this." She shook her head no. "How do I tell him Maci, hell your no help you just yelled at Wayne when you told him you was pregnant cause you was pissed at him." I had to laugh at the memory of that. "Well I threw my pregnancy test at him do we need to go buy one so you can throw one at Chris too." Adrianna looked up at me pulling some papers out of her purse. Grabbing the papers I saw it was a paper from her doctors office with her due date and in that was her first sonogram pictures. "OK I think this is better than a pregnancy test." Adrianna gave me a look nodding. "Wayne is coming home early right." I nodded, "yeah he will be here around 5, Chris said he would be here around 6." Adrianna let out a deep breath. "You can not leave me alone with him OK, no matter what he says you and Wayne have to stay with us." I frowned. "Has he hit you." Adrianna gave me a crazy look. "Wish he would I would punch him in his fucking face. We usually end up screaming then throwing shit and I just don't want to be alone Maci" I nodded OK. "Like I told you yesterday I'm here."

The later it got the more nervous Adrianna got, she was practically walking a hole in the carpet when Wayne came home around 4:30. I thought she was going to faint when the door popped open. She glanced behind him like she half expected Chris. Wayne glanced at me then back at her. "Hey Adrianna." Adrianna nodded fast. "Hey, hey Wayne. Umm seen Chris." Wayne shook his head sitting down beside me taking Maliyah from me. "Naw he text me earlier saying he would be here at six. Sit down and quit stressing its not good for the baby." Adrianna put her hand on her belly sitting down fast. Wayne and I locked eyes before I turned back to her. "You want something to drink Adrianna." She shrugged. "Water I guess, I really want a Dr Pepper. Can I get a Dr Pepper." I laughed at her as I walked to minibar grabbing both of us a dr pepper. Fallon had forgot all about her toys and had crawled up in Adrianna's lap. We sat in an awkward silence for a minute before Wayne started asking Adrianna about her job and her new place. Maliyah was getting fussy so I decided to feed her before Chris arrived. Fallon took over the TV and had us watching some stupid cartoon on nick jr.

When the bell for the front door rang I thought Adrianna was going to pass out. Wayne stood up walking to the door and Adrianna hurried and moved to take her seat beside me. I grabbed her hand squeezing it. "I'm here Adrianna, always know I have your back." She nodded looking at me. Fallon started screaming when the door opened. "Uncle Chris! It's Uncle Chris." Adrianna and I locked eyes before we both turned to see Chris and Wayne walking in. Chris had Fallon in his arms and stopped when he saw Adrianna. He looked up to Wayne and I could see his jaw flinch. I let out a breath. "Hey Chris I'm glad you made it." Chris looked at me like he had never seen me before he shook his head. "Hey Maci, you know I wouldn't miss seeing lil Tune." I stood up as he sat Fallon back down and handed him Maliyah. He sat down in one of the chairs across from us. "Hey pretty momma, I'm glad you look like your mommy and not your ugly ass old daddy." I laughed and Wayne shot him a look. "AIght I'll be remembering that." Chris let out a laugh. Adrianna was playing with her necklace again and I knew she wanted to bolt.

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