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I start crossing a river on a log. Kion follows close behind me.

"Uh, Kiara, I-I think we should turn around." He says, with fear in his tone.

I roll my eyes. Here we go again...

"Kion then just go back home. All your going to do is slow me down!" I said.

"Fine! Go ahead and be brave. Your going to see how much trouble you'll end up with mom and dad."

Kion turn around with a frown walking back home to Pride Rock.

I frown back. Who needs him anyway?I'm brave and strong just like daddy!

I'm halfway down the log. I tilt my head proudly high with my eyes closed not paying any attention what's ahead of me. I tumble off directly into another cub, bowling him over. He snarls at me confrontationally, and continues growling.

"Who are you, Pridelander?"

I do not answer, but keep jumping from side to side, staying facing the cub at all times. The cub keeps growling menacingly, but eventually his curiosity gets the better of him.

"What are you doing?"

"My father says to never turn your back on an Outsider!"

"You always do what Daddy says?"


"Bet you do. Bet you're Daddy's little girl! Ha ha!" The cub moves away, hopping on logs across the river. "An Outsider doesn't need anybody. I take care of myself!"

I look awed, following him across the river. "Really? Cool!"

The cub looks back at me, and notices a huge crocodile rising up behind me with its mouth gaping.

"Wuhh... waaaahh!"

I turn and see the crocodile. "Aaaaahhh! Run!" The crocodile's teeth crunch just behind us. "This way!"

We narrowly escape, leaping from rock to rock across the river and out of the reach of the crocodiles' jaws as more and more rise up out of the water. We rest on two unmoving "stones" further down, and begin to pant and giggle.

"That was a close one."


The stones we are sitting on rise up and reveal themselves as more crocodile heads.

"Whooaaahhh..." We both say with fear.

I run up a tree limb, getting out of reach. However, the cub runs past me, leaping from crocodile to crocodile down the river.

"Hey.. what about me?" I ask.

"You gotta take care of yourself!
I'll distract them. Run!" He said.

The cub slips off the last crocodile into the water. As he comes up, gasping for air, the crocodiles loom over him.

I swipe my claws at the crocodiles from my branch then notice the cub in once again trouble. "Look out!"

The cub is paralyzed by fright. the gaping mouth in front of him is suddenly clamped shut by me leaping on top of it.

"Move it!"

We scramble up a branch and up onto the bank, out of reach of danger. From the top, we pant and rest for a few moments, then move back to look over the edge. The crocodiles are massing below, furious at being cheated of their meal.

"I did it... I did it!" I cheer.

"Hah!" The cub laughs.

We move back from the edge and recount our adventure.

"Whoah, man did you see the size of those teeth? They were goin' rawr rawr rawr rawr!" I roll over on my back and laugh. "He was just totally eatin' you up right there, and I jumped on his head and I bopped him so good. We make such a good team! And you... you were really brave!"

"Yeah... you were pretty brave too. My name's Kovu." He smiles.

"I'm Kiara."

I crouch down playfully, waving my tail then reach out and bat Kovu.

"Tag! You're it!"

I jump back, laughing instead of chasing. Kovu looks at me silently. I try to do it again.

"Tag! You're it! You're it!"

Still no response, Kovu just stares at me.

"Hello? You run, I tag... get it? What's the matter? Don't you know how to play?"

Getting an idea, I crouch down and go back to playing Kovu's style, with bared teeth and growl. He gets the idea and growls back, but suddenly he finds himself growling at my father's leg. Wait...father?!! Kion must of snitched on me!

Daddy roars, and a lioness jumps out of the grass and roars back.

This may not end so well...

The Lion King 2: Past EventsWhere stories live. Discover now