A Mother's Worry

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The hunting party and I are crouching below the tall grass stalking a male zebra.

"Okay, Aliya you go right and Duni you go left. Everyone else go to your normal main positions. I take the center, my favorite. Alright let's go!" I order.

I was the first to walk forward. Once I got close enough to the male zebra, I growl and pounce into the air. The zebra and his herd startled ran quickly away.

"Go, go, go!" I tell the lionesses.

Aliya who's on my right had sprint ahead followed by Duni on my left. They were able to catch the male zebra by scratching and biting on his legs. The zebra stopped running. The other lionesses closed in. There's no where to escape now. I come in licking my lips.

I'm always chosen to make the kill. Duni and Aliya held the zebra down after he tried kicking me in the face multiple of times. I wrap my furry arms around his neck and bring my mouth closer to the throat.

"Sorry buddy. It's the circle of life!" I said.

One strong bite on the throat crushing the wind pipe and it was instantly over. The zebra fell on his side. Duni and Aliya let go. Blood covers my muzzle and nose.

"Good job all of you. Now let's carry him home."

They all nod. Together we carried the zebra back to Pride Rock.

Pride Rock...

"Nala, Nala!"

I walk up Pride Rock with the hunting party close behind me. I see my mother rushing forward with a panic expression on her face.

"Mother, what's wrong?" I ask.

"It's Kiara, she's in trouble!"


Mother nod. "Simba and Zazu had just left. They went to the hunting grounds to go save her. A fire is there!"

My eyes widen. "No..."

"You need to get the lionesses together fast before its too late."

I turn around looking at the hunting party. "You five stay here. I'm going to go get the rest of pride."

They nod after sitting the zebra down.

I rush behind Pride Rock and told everyone the sudden news. They got up quick on their paws and follow me in front of Pride Rock where my mother and the hunting party are. I see Kion talking to my mother.

"We're all set mother. Be back later! Everyone lets go." I said, after letting out a loud roar.

I begin my walk down Pride Rock.

"Mother, what's going on? Where is father??" Kion ask, running up to my side.

"Your sister is in trouble. There's a fire in the hunting grounds. We must hurry and hope to make it there in time before it's too late." I replied, worried.

"Now can I get with the Lion Guard team?"

"Yes, go son. Be careful!"

Kion gave me a smile. I returned it. He watch me ran the rest of the way down Pride Rock with the pride lionesses behind me. Kion went the opposite direction.

The sky is now fully covered with black smoke hiding away the sun. The smell is strong. I started coughing as I got closer to the hunting grounds. The green grass is burnt low to the dirt and some trees had fallen over. A few animals didn't make it out the fire. I gasp with shock seeing their dead bodies.

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