The Report

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"Nala, wait!" I call. "I'm sorry."

Nala continue walking away going inside the cave.

I can't believe she took it the wrong way...

I wasn't saying she's old!


I sigh. I left Pride Rock to go up to Rafiki's tree. Before doing "cub making" with Nala, I need to know for sure first IF we can have another cub. I wonder why she didn't say anything when Kiara and Kion were cubs. We could have had our third cub right then!

"Rafiki?" I call.

The tree branches start to shake, colorful leaves fall down on my nose and head. I shake them off. Next, there was silly loud laughter.

Yup, he's home...

"Ah, good afternoon your majesty!" He smiles.

Rafiki is hanging upside down on a branch. "What can I help you with on this warm sunny day?"

I sit down. "I have a question."

He nods.

"Nala was thinking about having another cub. Will she be able to you know...produce?"

"So the Queen wants another child hmm? How lovely! She's still a bit young. I say give it a try or two and then come back to me with some results!"

I smile with excitement.

Nala is going to be thrilled!

"Oh thank you, Rafiki!"

Rafiki chuckles. "Your welcome, Simba. Just remember, this may take a few days or weeks maybe."

I nod. "Okay."

Rafiki crawls back up in his tree. I turn around and rush back to Pride Rock. I can't wait to tell Nala!

We may be parents again...

I walk up Pride Rock and peep my head inside the cave. "Honey?"

"Yes?" Her gentle-sweet voice answers.

I walk further in the cave and found Nala laying down. Her gorgeous eyes are red and puffy; cheeks stained with tears.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I ask, nuzzling her.

"Your right, what am I thinking. We can't have a cub Simba. I'm old!" She sobbed.

Nala put her face on my red mane crying. I wrap my furry arms around her for comfort. She pulls close.

"Don't cry my love, I have good news!" I coo and smile.

"Which is?" She sniffs.

"I spoke with Rafiki at his tree and he said we may be in luck."

"You mean..."

I nod. "Yes."


Nala jumps with excitement. She hugs me. "Oh, this is good news! I have to start thinking of boy and girl names, then tell Kiara and Kion, then the rest of the pride, then one of the lionesses can throw me a cub shower again...AHH!"

I laugh. "Nala, relax. We're going to get there. But first, you know what we have to do."

"Well, no one isn't in the cave. Now is a good time!"

We stare at each other lovingly. Just as we were about to get started...

"Mother, father!"


"Yes, son?" Nala answers.

"Three males were in the Pride Lands. They killed one of our sick wildebeest. I ran them all out." Kion reports.

I nod. "Good job son!"

"I have all of three of there scents from the last remains of the wildebeest carcass. The one I attacked smelled like a royal."

"A royal?" Says Nala.

I furrow my brows. "Hmm, interesting. Must be from way out. There's no other close Royal pride around here not that I know of. Probably rouges who lost there pride to other males or possibly just looking for new land claim. I'll get to the bottom of this with Zazu tomorrow morning. Thanks son, for the report!"

Kion nod then left the cave.

"Three males? Simba thats danger for the lionesses here and competition for you right there! I think you should deal with that now instead of tomorrow morning." Nala said, worried.

I shake my head. "Don't worry, they wouldn't dare mess with the Pride Lands King. I laugh at the face of danger, ha ha ha!"

Nala laughs. "That line never gets old."

I smile and lick her cheek. "Now, where were we before?"

She pins me. "I know where..."

The Lion King 2: Past EventsWhere stories live. Discover now