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I watch both my parents, sister, and Kovu roar on top of Pride Rock. Zira's death put an official end to the Outsiders v.s. Pride Landers war. Everything is now at peace. Our pride is also twice as big with Zira's lionesses joining. It's going to take a lot of adjusting to get use to. Especially Kovu who is still in a relationship with my sister Kiara.

My parents and the whole pride may have accepted Kovu in, but part of me still does not trust him. Go ahead, call me a jerk or what ever rude names you have for me. Scar's spirit still lives on in Kovu.

I'll never let it go...

I leave the celebration and walk inside the cave alone. Everyone is still outside. I lay down with my front paws crossed. Fuli, Beshte, Ono, and Bunga all walk in.

"There you are Kion!" Said Bunga.

I half smile. "Hey, guys."

"What are you doing in here by yourself? Shouldn't you be out celebrating your sister Kiara and her boyfriend Kovu for joining the prides together?" Said Ono.

"I don't know anymore, guys..."

Fuli sits down next to me. "What's wrong, Kion?"

"Everyone is happy, except me. I'm like the only one who still sees Scar. I don't trust Kovu at all. Something is telling me it isn't over just yet. Scar's spirit is planning." I said.

"Kion, you have to leave things in the past. That's what everyone else is doing. Scar is gone, Zira is gone. We can all bond now and live without any worries or troubles." Said Beshte.

Bunga nod and crawls on to my back. "He's right!"

I look at all four of them and sigh. "Alright, I'll try."

"And get to know Kovu first before judging him. He's a nice fellow!" Said Fuli. "It took your father a while. But look at them now."

"Yeah, lower your guard some. Kiara is happy and in love!" Said Ono. "Whether you like or not, he's going to be family soon. You just have to accept it."

I smile. "Okay."

We all hug each other.

"Go talk to him." Fuli nods.

I raise a brow. "Now?"

Fuli gives me a serious look while crossing her furry arms.

I roll my eyes and stand up. "Fine, I'll talk to him."

They all smile watching me walk out the cave.

I so hate them for this...

Well, here I go...

I look around for Kiara. Where ever Kiara is I'm sure Kovu is with her. I see my parents talking to a few outsider lionesses. Oops! Did I say outsiders? I meant, our new members.

"Excuse me, mother, father?"

"Yes, son?" Father answer.

"Do you guys know where Kovu is?" I ask.

Mother nods. "Yeah, he went with Kiara behind Pride Rock. Why?"

"I want to have a kind talk with him."

Father smiles. I smile back and turn around walking behind Pride Rock.

The Lion King 2: Past EventsWhere stories live. Discover now