Finding Tisha

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, in my books/fan theory, I always imagine Kovu visiting Kiara from time to time just to play. I mean come on, the movie only showed them once as Cubs. There has to be at least another time before they had reunited as adults! So here's my version of what I think happened :D Major credit goes to the artist who drew this photo above! So cute <333

Xoxo, Skyy15 <3



The sound of loud paws came running inside the cave. I raise my head opening my reddish brown eyes with a yawn.

"Kion, this better be a good reason to interrupt my nap." I said annoyed.

Kion rush forward. The Lion Guard team came close behind him. All of their faces show worry.

"Good afternoon Princess!" Ono the bird greets. "We have important news to share to you and the rest of the pride."

"Which is?"

"We've found outsiders in the Pride Lands." Said Fuli the cheetah.


My eyes widen. "What?"

"They're cubs like us." Said Kion. "We don't know for sure where the girl one had went. But her friend, who ever he is, seems to be searching for her too. He gave me a bad attitude!"

"Because of how you approached him, Kion." Said Beshte. "He must of felt some sort of disrespect."

Kion frowned. "I don't care, Beshte. Him or his friend had no business being in our territory any way! My dad banished him and his kind long ago after my great uncle Scar. The Great Circle Of Life will NOT enter the world of darkness no more. Not while I'm standing..."

I stood up rolling my eyes and pushed Kion aside. "Kion, calm down. There's no reason to yell your tone of voice at Beshte. He's your friend and only telling you the truth. Dad told us to respect all creatures. No matter the consequences. We all have to still treat each other fairly! Now, what did these outsiders look like? It's better if we have an good description of them so we can know if they ever come back."

They all sat and think. Bunga the small badger jumps up and down raising his paw in the air. "I know Kiara, I know!"

I smile. "Okay Bunga, go ahead."

"The guy Kion was talking about has auburn colored fur, though his muzzle, paws and underbelly are all creamy brown in color. He sports a dark brown head tuft, and also sports tufts of fur on his elbow joints that match the color of his head tuft and tail-tip. Lastly, I remember his eyes are green!"


"Kovu?" I question surprised.

"No, please don't tell me." Kion shook his head.

I nod.

"No! It can't be the guy you told me about before. The one you played with at the crocodile river near the Out Lands, Kiara. It just can't!"

"It's him..."

Kion growls with anger. "No! He probably found his way here just to come see you again. You can't see him Kiara."

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