Welcome back, Captain

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Steve's POV

My mind is black. Everything's dark. That's all there is in my head, darkness. Suddenly, things try to be shown. Things make their way into my mind. Memories. Memories of a woman, Peggy. Ice, a lot of ice and then again, the darkness. I slightly panic since I can't move, but I can hear voices in the background.
"I love you?" A woman's voice can be heard. Her voice was the most beautiful thing I've heard. She's talking to someone. "I don't think that's a good idea, Coulson." She chuckled a little.
"Maybe not." A mans voice could be heard.
"You got to be careful to not scare him of, how else are you going to get married?" The woman's voice again. It had a teasing sound of it. I could almost hear her chuckling. The only thing that could be heard from the man was a deep breath. Suddenly, I can move and the memories that had been flushing through my brain came back. I open my eyes and is greeted by a sight I will not ever forget. Her red hair and big green eyes burned into my soul. She looked down at me as if she was inspecting me. Her eyes met mine for a few seconds before she opened her mouth. I looked at her face. I had a hard time taking my eyes of her.
"Captain Rogers, I'm Agent Romanoff. Please stay calm. You need to process this slowly." She said and it was the same voice I heard before. I slowly sit up.
"Process what? Where am I?" I ask confused. Agent Romanoff looks over at Coulson. She looks disturb over the fact that she has to tell me the news. That means it can't be good. She takes a deep breath and looks over at me again.
"You slept for 70 years Captain. And you're in New York City. You'll find out about everything eventually." Her voice sounded professional. Like this was normal. I can't breath. My body becomes tense and I need to move. I quickly stand up.
"Captain Rogers, you need to sit." Romanoff spoke again. I start running, away. From it all. I run through walls and through doors until I'm outside on the streets. I see tall building flash beside me but I don't react. I'm running until something black suddenly jumps forward me and I can't even react before my face is pressed against the dirty cold ground.
"I told you to sit." Her again. The agent. How? She sounded annoyed. Almost angry. She started to mumble and didn't realise I could hear everything. "This is why I didn't want this job."
I tried to move but she held me stuck to the ground.
"Get off me." I sneezed annoyed.
"Only if you stop running."
"Fine." I said and I'm free to move again. I stand up and is greeted by the same beautiful face. She was wearing a black suit of some kind and her red hair was hanging down her shoulders.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.
"Natasha Romanoff. I work for SHIELD. Long story short, You're plane crashed in ice and you slept for 70 years but survived. You would have gotten all the information if you just had stayed put." She said a little annoyed.
"Well, I'm sorry but this is a lot to take in. How would you feel in my position?" I said.
She chuckled and looked straight into my eyes.
"I'd be delighted." She said. No sign of irony was shown in her words. It was as if she actually meant them.
A man with black clothes and an eyepatch walked up to us and he stopped beside Natasha.
"He's your shit now. I want another mission." Natasha said as she took a last look at me. "Welcome back, Captain." She said as she turned around and walked away. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Sorry for the show Captain. We were trying to make you stay as calm as possible when you found out the news." The guy with the eyepatch said. I heard his words but I focused on Natasha until she had disappeared around the corner.
"Yeah, I just.. I had a date."

Authors note/
Hello! This is like the third story I'm writing right now. But you see I got some knew ideas so I'll right this one and the other two. Don't worry. And if you haven't checked out the other two, please do. If you want to of course. I hope this one will be better though. Have a great day and take care of yourselves. (:

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