The jacket

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Natasha's POV

Everything told me not to. I didn't want to. But I was scared so I did what I always do. I run.

Steve's POV

She was gone. It was as if her existence had faded from he earth. The night before she disappeared she asked me to never leave her. And I didn't.
She left me.
Clint didn't say a word. I'm not even sure if he knows where she is. My heart pained every day. She didn't love me. She ran. She didn't answer my love for her. Or did she love me? Was she just scared? Or was it all fake? I tried to tell myself that it wasn't. That what I had felt for her for these few years wasn't false. I wanted to believe that it was all true. I tried to look for her but it was all in vain. I daydreamed about our memories together. The dance we shared, the way she helped me with the dishes, when she fell asleep on my shoulder, when she came to me all drunk. Every single time I had talked, seen or been with her, they all replayed in my head.
I cried for the third time in my life.
It became the fourth.
The fifth.
The sixth.
And it didn't stop.
I felt helpless. Hopeless.
One week.
Two weeks.
Three weeks.
One month.
Two months.
Three months.

I woke up. Had it all been a dream? No. I was still alone with my unhappy thoughts. I sat up in the couch. Apparently, I had fallen asleep in front of the television again. It worked perfectly for that. A loud knock could be heard at the door and I looked at the watch on the wall. 4am.
I slowly paced to the door, expecting Tony again with another master plan of how to make another tower. As I opened the door, she was there. My eyes widened in surprise and she stood still, just looking at me. She wore a shirt and a jacket. It was surprisingly not tight and it didn't show of her curves. Her red hair was longer and a little darker. But her eyes were the same, only this time, they were more watery.
"I.." She began and I hushed her. She smiled a little and I wanted to wrap my arms around her. I wanted to kiss every part of her body and look at her face all day.
"I love you." She said and my heart filled with joy. I had been angry, sad and heartbroken. But as she stood here in front of me again, I forgot about it all. I only wanted her. Always.
As much as it pained me, I only gave her a soft kiss on her lips and then let her inside. She had come back.

Natasha's POV

I walked into Steve's apartment and turned around to look at him as he closed the door. My hands were shaking and my heart beating louder than it ever had.
"I'm so sorry." I said and he walked closer to me. He had no obligations to forgive me.
"I forgive you." He said and I was yet again amazed by him. He tried taking of my jacket and I pushed his hands away. He looked at me surprised.
"Don't. It's.." I began and he raised his eyebrows.
"What?" He asked kindly and took my hand exactly the way he had before I left.
"It's going to complicate things." I said and he looked at me confused. I swallowed hard and slowly unzipped my jacket. I let it fall to the floor and Steve's eyes widened as he looked at me. My black tight top perfectly reviled my medium sized baby bump. Steve opened his mouth and looked at my eyes and down to my stomach over and over again.
"You're pregnant?" He asked and I nodded slightly. I felt a tear slip down my cheek and I breathed heavily.

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