Don't say it

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Natasha's POV

"Nat." He said and I turned around.
"I don't want to talk about it." I said annoyed and he took my arm.
"But it's amazing." He said and I shock my head.
"It's not. And it's not possible." I said and he lifted his eyebrows.
"Then how the hell could you take the hammer just like that?" He said and I couldn't help myself.
"Stop it Nat this is serious." He said and I tried to get out of his grip desperate to avoid the conversation.
"You're worthy." He said as I got out of his grip. I chuckled at his words.
"Worthy?" I said laughing. "If you think I'm worthy, you don't know me at all." I said. "And Rogers let's face it, you could have taken that hammer if you wanted to. I saw it move." I said before I walked away, he followed me.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as he followed my every step.
"Coming with you."
"It's a mission. You can't come." I said as I walked out of the door.
"Yeah right. Don't worry I'll hide." He said and I rolled my eyes.

It was a really easy mission. Steve wouldn't allow me to a harder one because of my soon to be gone concussion. Catch a drug dealer that was located a few blocks away, nothing big. Steve got into the car with me and I drove of. I turned to look at him.
"I only let you follow because you lack friends." I said and he smirked.
"Friends huh?" He said and I lifted one eyebrow.
"Isn't that who you wanted me to be?" I asked. He smiled and looked out of the window.
"I think you know." He said without looking at me and I bit my lip nervously. "And I also think you know deep down that you're worthy." He said and I shock my head.
"Stop with the crap Rogers. Why do you keep bringing that up?" I asked and he looked at me.
"Because you need to understand that it's true." He said and I looked at him with wide eyes before I focused on the road again. "Everything doesn't have to be so complicated." He said and I smiled.
"My middle name is complicated." I said as I parked the car. "Don't move." I said as I closed the car door and walked to the what seemed to me abounded building. I put my gun down my bra and fixed the dress I was wearing as a cover. I looked back at Steve who smiled. I rolled my eyes but smiled as soon as I had turned around.

Steve's POV

13 minutes later, Natasha came out of the building dragging a man with her. He could barley walk but took some steps which made it easier for Natasha to get him inside the car. The guy had a red eye and squeezed his stomach. He was clearly in a lot of pain. Natasha smiled as she got into the car. She buckled up and started the car.
"That was fast." I said and she smirked.
"It wasn't. And they're coming.. Now." She said as a few guys came running out the building. Natasha pressed the gas and the car flew over the streets.
"Whore." The man in the backseat said as he spit in the car. Natasha smirked and turned back and punched him in the stomach. He coughed and Natasha turned back to the wheel.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't hear you." She said and I smiled. I had a hard time taking my eyes of her.
"What are we doing?" I found myself say. She looked at me surprised. If I could, I would do the same.
"What?" She asked.
"What do you want? Because I want you." I said and she raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"You choose to tell me now?" She asked as she tried to focus on the road as a few cars with the men from the building was chasing our car.
"I just, I like everything about you Natasha." I said and she looked at me with fear in her eyes. My heart pounded hard and a gun shot hit the car. Natasha looked back at the cars and took an instant left turn leaving the other cars driving straight forward.
I didn't take my eyes of her and she didn't open her mouth.
"I.." I began but she hushed me.
"Don't say it." She said with pleading eyes as she looked at me.
"I love you." I said and she sighed.
A car hit the side of our car and Natasha took out a gun from her bra and shot at the driver. She then took a right turn and then a left, shaking of the men. She gave me quick looks now and then but was focused on the road.
As she'd had shock of the men she drove to the avengers tower and a few agent came and took the almost passed out drug dealer in the backseat. Natasha quickly stepped out of the car and walked very fast towards her apartment. I hurried after her.
"Natasha!" I shouted after her as I ran up to her. "You can't escape me." I said as I took her hand. She turned around and looked down at our hands before she looked at my face. It was painted with fear and she took a deep breath. It was such a deep breath that it felt like she breathed in all the air I've ever breathed.
"I can't love. I gave you a heads up." She said as slowly let go of my hand and disappeared into her apartment. She did. She told me, that night under the stars that she would leave someday. Did she mean it?

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