Thors hammer

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Steve's POV

"Romanoff. Rogers. You're up." Tony's voice in our microphones could be heard and Natasha looked at me.
"Don't mess this up." She said before she walked inside the building. I walked after her but waited a while so that it wouldn't be too obvious. Lucky us, a lot of people walked in and out of the tower. I was dressed as a mail guy. I thought the cover wouldn't work but as I turned out, no one even gave me a look. Everyone's to busy with whatever they're doing. I peeked out from my cap and saw Natasha drag a guy out from the room. No one noticed. I looked around after people that were confirmed to be HYDRA but I couldn't find a soul. Natasha and I both ended up in an elevator and I pressed the button.
"We're in. Your turn." I said in the microphone, knowing that it was Clint's turn to make his way into the building. Natasha handed me some clothes she had in a bag and I took of my post office shirt and I looked at her.
"Don't even try Rogers." She said coldly and handed me another shirt. I put it on with a smirk. She took my cap and threw it in the corner of the elevator together with the bag. She looked at me quickly and checked if she had all her guns on her.
"Let's do this quiet and quickly." She said and I nodded.
The elevator door opened and the hallway was empty. We stepped out and a guy came walking towards us. Natasha took a sprint and jumped on the wall, making her land on the guys shoulders and he fell to the ground. She held her hand over his mouth and looked at him seriously.
"If you scream, I'll shoot you." She said, showing a gun. "Where are the rest of you?" She asked and the guy didn't answer. She smiled and pressed the gun at his head.
"Everywhere." He squeezed and Natasha shock her head.
"Rumlow?" She asked and the guy pointed at the hallway a few doors down.
"Fifth room." He said and Natasha smiled.
"Thank you for your cooperation." She said as she hit him in the head real hard, making him pass out.
"A little help?" She said to me and I carried him up and locked him inside a little storage.
Natasha took her gun in her hands again and started moving down the hallway.
"Wait." I said and Natasha stopped annoyed.
"What?!" She said.
"There might be more people in there. Let's lure him out." I said and Natasha nodded as she put her gun in her bra. I couldn't help but try to figure out how the hell it could be visible through her tight shirt and she hit me in the arm when she noticed my staring. I blushed.
"Stay here. Be ready to grab him." She said as she moved to the fifth door. She fixed her hair a little and knocked two times at the door. She walked inside and I listen carefully.
"Rumlow? Captain America needs you." She said with an innocent yes professional and typical Natasha voice.
"Why didn't he call?" I heard Rumlows voice.
"It's urgent." Natasha said and I hid behind a wall. I heard their footsteps coming my way.
"What can be so urgent?" Rumlow asked and I took a hold of his arms. Natasha kicked him in the stomach and hit his cheek pretty bad. He kicked her back and she fell backwards a little. I punched him in the back and pressed him down to the ground. He managed to get up but Natasha made a jump and a twirl in the air and kicked his face. He fell to the ground and she went down beside him and put her hand on her cheek.
"You." She said before she punched him again and he passed out.
"The drama." I said and she looked at me.
"I'm sorry. You're not Captain America who were frozen in ice for 70 years but survived are you?" She said seriously and I smirked. "I've never met someone as dramatic as you." She said and my memories went back to a moment with Peggy.
"You're always so dramatic."
Natasha looked at me.
"There was more people in the room. Watch him." He said and pointed at Rumlows passed out body.
"You can't give me orders." I said and Natasha looked at me.
"Stay put Rogers." She said before she quickly walked over to the door and walked in innocent. A few hits could be heard and a scream who soon became quiet. She walked out two minutes later.
"You done?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.
"I want my suit." She said in the microphone.
"Having an issue here Tasha." Clint said back and she smirked.
"I thought issues were your thing." She said and I heard footsteps behind us.
"They are." Clint said as he came walking and threw Natasha the suit.
She smirked as she went into the first room she could find to change.
"What's you with you two?" Clint asked as soon as Natasha had disappeared.
"What?" I asked.
"Some people may have a hard time reading Natasha, but she's an open book for me." He said and I scratched my head.
"It's complicated." I said and he nodded.
"She is. But she's worth it." He said.
"Why didn't the two of you end up?" I asked and he chuckled.
"Well, I guess we weren't meant to be. Otherwise I wouldn't have met my wife." He said and Natasha stepped out of the door with her cat suit on.
"Your turn." Natasha said as she threw me my suit and shield. I looked at her surprised.
"How did you.." I began and she hushed me.
"Just change." She said.

Natasha's POV

"Watch out!" Clint screamed and I ducked just in time for a bullet to hit the wall instead of my head. The fight had begun. The ones who didn't know what was going on fled. The ones who did fought. SHIELD headquarters was a mess. Worse than a mess. After this, it probably wouldn't even look like SHIELD. I shot a man in the stomach and another one in the head. They fell to the ground with blood surrounding them. We didn't want to kill them, but we didn't have a choice. Surprisingly enough, they were too many.
Steve's shield came flying and knocked down two men and he ran to get it. A man suddenly stood in front of me.
"I don't hit girls." The man from HYDRA said and I just stared at him.
"Lucky you, I'm a woman." I said as I hit is stomach and he began hitting me back. He got in a real good punch on my ribs and I kicked him in the head and he fell passed out to the ground.
Steve ran to me, hitting down a few men on the way.
"You okey?" He asked.
I hit down two men and a women and rolled my eyes at him.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked annoyed and he went back to fighting.
Tony flew over us in his iron man suit and shot down a few people around us. Clint was busy with his bow and arrows and I looked over at Thor. He threw his hammer against a target and I followed it with my eyes. I ran as quickly as I could towards the hammer and took a hold of it right before it hit Steve. I punched him to the ground and made myself ready to fly with the hammer. But to my surprise, when I opened my eyes, I was standing steady on the ground. With the hammer in my left hand. I looked at the hammer with wide eyes just like Steve. He stood up just staring at my hand. I looked up and saw Thor holding out his hand from across the room. He hadn't seen me. I simply let go of the hammer and it flew across the room into Thor's hand and he hit down a man. I still held my hand in the air but my looks were drawn to the floor.
"What just happened?" I mumbled and Steve dragged me down to the ground and put his shield in front of us. Ten shots hit the shield before he threw it away and it hit down the men.
"Don't tell anyone." I said confused but serious as I went back to fighting. My head felt dizzy and my thought confused.
"What the hell did I do?" I asked myself quietly as I shot two men.

Steve's POV

After a long, long fight, we had won. But a lot had been sacrificed. I looked around me and the place were full of dead bodies. Mostly people from HYDRA but some SHIELD agents too. Natasha sat by the wall on the dirty floor. She stared down at the ground as Clint helped her with a shot wound in her shoulder. He could see something was wrong. He also knew he wasn't supposed to ask. Everyone was pretty shaken up from the fight.
Bruce had run away. No one knows where.
Tony's suit broke and he got shot in the leg. He was at the hospital.
Thor had returned to Asgard, no clue about the other person worthy of his hammer.
I went forward to Natasha and Clint.
"Buddy I'll take over. You're bleeding." I said to Clint who looked at his arm.
"Crap. Thanks." He said as he left to get help with his arm.
I sat down next to her and took care of the job Clint had started.
"Is it a joke?" Natasha suddenly asked and I looked at her confused.
"What?" I asked and she finally turned her head and looked at me.
"That's the only solution. It's a joke. A cruel fucking joke." She said and I shock my head.
"Or maybe you're just worthy." I said and she looked me into the eyes with a dead serious look.
"You and I both know that's not possible. Everyone knows that." She said.
"Well, I can't find another solution." I said as I kept cleaning her wound. There is no other solution. Right?

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