The first dance

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Natasha's POV

"You both should stay here. Only me and the rest of the avengers knows about this situation and no one knows we know. But as soon as you step your foot into the building, someone will likely shoot you." Clint said as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Take care of Laura and I'll take care of Fury." He said and I nodded.
"Fine. But call me whenever you need us." I said and Clint nodded before he said goodbye to Laura and the kids.
Steve said something to Clint before he left and we all looked at him flying away.
"I have to sit down." Laura said after a while and Steve helped her inside the house.
"Are you okey?" He asked and I looked at her worryingly.
"Yes, this baby is just taking all my energy." She said smiling.
"Go to sleep. We'll take care of Lila and Cooper." I said smiling.
She thanked us and went upstairs. Steve looked at me.
"I have an idea." He said with a smile.
I looked at him with wonder.

One hour later, we were eating dinner outside by an open fire. It was in the end of the sunset and it would be long until the fire was needed.
Steve had cooked and we were all enjoying his food. Especially the chocolate cake dessert that Lila and Cooper ate enough of to stay awake for 24 hours. It would be hard to get them to sleep.
Some music played in the background form a Bluetooth speaker. A thing Steve had a hard time understanding when I first showed it to him.
Cooper moved from his seat across from me and went to me. He smiled a little shyly before he said something.
"Will you dance with me?" He whispered quietly in my ear. I smiled. I knew Steve heard but Lila looked at her brother in wonder.
"Sure I will. I couldn't say no to someone as handsome as you could I?" I said as Cooper smiled and took my hand. He dragged me away a bit from the other two until we stood on the grass. I looked back at Steve who gave me a huge smirk.
"Told you." He mouthed and I rolled my eyes at him as I took Coopers hands in mine.

Steve's POV

"I think Cooper is in love with auntie Nat." Lila said and I looked down at her with a smile. She sat next to me as we watched Natasha dance with Cooper.
"Don't worry." I said and Lila looked up at my face.
"I think you're in love with her too." She said and I coughed as I almost spit out the Coke I was drinking.
"What did you say?" I asked and looked if Natasha had seen or heard us. She was busy dancing around with Cooper who smiled up to his ears.
"I think you're in love with her." She said smiling.
"I do like Natasha. We're coworkers. She's great." I said trying to make it sound simple.
"I accept it." Lila said.
"Accept what?" I asked and Lila smiled.
"I accept that you and Natasha are in love. Because I like you. And I love Natasha." She said and I laughed.
"Well, I like you too." I said and she smiled.

Natasha and Cooper stopped dancing and came back to us.
"I think it's time for you two to go to bed. If your mom, or worse your dad, knew I kept you up this late.." Natasha said and I smiled.
"You'll tuck me in right?" Lila said and Natasha nodded.
"Yes I'll be right there after you've brushed your teeth." She said smiling.
Natasha sat down and Cooper quickly kissed her cheek before he ran inside as fast as he could. Natasha laughed and Lila opened her mouth wide in surprise.
"Cooper!" She shouted as she ran after him into the house.
"Told you the boy had a thing for you. This is just the beginning." I said and Natasha smiled at me.
"I danced with him when he was little as well so I guess it's my fault he likes it." She said smirking.
Memories flew inside my head.
I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance.
All right. A week next Saturday at The Stork Club.
You've got it.
Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?
You know, I still don't know how to dance.
I'll show you how. Just be there.
We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hate to step on your..
"Feet." I mumbled.
"What?" Natasha asked since she didn't hear what I said. I looked at her. Her big green eyes looked into mine and I tried to push away the confused look on my face.
"Will you dance with me?" I asked and Natasha raised her eyebrows in surprise. I didn't wait for her to answer before I took her hand and led her to the place where she and Cooper had danced earlier.
"I didn't know you danced." She said as I took her hands.
"I don't." I said and she looked at me confused. "But I figured you'd be a great teacher." I said, smiling a little. She smiled back.
"Good because for a second there, I thought you were flirting." She said as she showed me a few steps.
"Don't you worry. I wouldn't want to come between you and Cooper." I said smiling as I stretched out my hand, letting Natasha make a twirl.
"No, that would be a bad idea. He have Clint's temper." She said chuckling.
Dancing wasn't what I imagined. I thought it would be awkward. But I feel comfortable with my hand around Natasha's waist and my other hand in hers. She looked me in the eyes and I looked into hers. I couldn't find anything I didn't like. That I didn't like about her.
"How come you've never danced? I thought it was very popular on your time." Natasha said smirking.
"Well, I wasn't as tall then. Women didn't want to dance with someone they could almost step on." I said smiling a little.
"You couldn't have been that short." Natasha said and I laughed.
"I was a lot more shorter than you." I said and she laughed.
"Okey I'm sorry. But I'd still dance with you." She said and I looked at her.
"No you wouldn't." I said and she furrowed her eyebrows and smiled.
"Sure I would." She said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because it would have been you." She said and I smiled. She made another twirl and stopped closer to me. She looked into my eyes.
"I thought we drew a line." I said breathing out heavily. We stopped dancing. She stood way too close. I could feel her breaths on my face and I thought for a moment I could hear my heart beat fast in my chest. She still held my hand.
"We did." She whispered. When I thought I was just about to kiss her a voice could be heard.
"Auntie Nat! I've brushed my teeth now!" Lila shouted from the front door and Natasha took a step away from me.
"I'm coming honey!" She shouted back and Lila went inside.
"I'll take care of this." I said nodding at the stuff we'd brought out to our dinner. "You go inside." I said and Natasha smiled. She started walking towards the house and I looked after her. She turned around to look at me when she was almost by the door. She gave me a smile right before Lila came running hugging her legs. She held her teddybear in the right hand and took Natasha's hand in her left and they walked inside.

Natasha's POV

"Steve likes you." She said as I tucked her in.
"I like Steve too.." I said to Lila.
"No he really likes you, he loves you." She said and I smiled.
"Where did you hear that?" I asked and she smiled back at me.
"He told me." She said and I raised my eyebrows.
"I'm sure he didn't tell you he loved me." I said and Lila laughed.
"Okay maybe not but he does. I promise." She said with a big smile.
"You silly." I said and I went quiet for a while, watching her.
"You know what, can you keep a secret?" I asked Lila and she nodded.
"No this is a really big secret. You can't tell anyone. Not a soul. Understood?" I said and Lila nodded.
"Yes I promise." She said and I smiled.
"I think I really like Steve too." I whispered in her ear and her face lit up.
"But let's not tell anyone. Because if we do, it might never happen. Okey?" I said and Lila nodded again.
"Now, go to sleep." I said as I kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight auntie Nat." She said as I turned the light of by her door. "I love you." She said and I smiled.
"I love you more." I said as I closed her door. I turned around and saw Steve in the kitchen. I went to him to help with the dishes.
"That's sweet." He said smiling.
"What is?" I said scared as I remembered his good hearing. Did he hear everything?
"I've never heard you say that you love someone." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Well, there's not many people I really love." I said chuckling.
"How many is there then?" He asked and I thought for a while.
"I don't know, maybe seven people." I said, counting them in my head.
"That's more than I thought." He said.
"Well, I don't have a heart of stone, believe it or not." I said as I dried a plate with a towel. "And I could say six because one of them isn't even born yet." I said chuckling.
"Well so we got little Nathaniel to be right? Then we probably got Laura, Clint, Lila and Cooper. That leaves two people." He said and I smirked.
"I'm not telling you who I love." I said.
"Fair enough." He said and went back to the dishes. "What's your favourite colour then?" He asked and I looked at him.
"I though we drew a line." I said and he laughed.
"It's just a colour? And you've passed that line a few times. Just a heads up."
He said and I smirked.
"Well I like the colour of you blushing." I said and Steve smiled.
"I do not blush." He said seriously.
I turned and looked him straight into the eyes.
"Have I ever told you how handsome you look in those tight shirts? I can only imagine how you would look without it." I said as I bit my lip. He blushed until his cheeks were tomato red. "Now look in a mirror." I said laughing as he went back to the dishes.
"Hilarious." He said ironically. "And that's what I mean by crossing our perfectly drawn line."
I smirked.
"Well, I'd cross it over and over again just to see you blush. And you drew the line." I said.
"What? You'd wish me to undraw it?" He asked smirking.
"I never said that. I'm just not a fan of lines. Or rules to be precise." I said and he laughed.
"Well it's not like they bother you that much. You usually just jump over them." He said with a smile. 
"Rules were made to be broken." I said and he looked at me.
"And lines were made to be stepped over." He said. I looked down at the glass in my hands and smiled.
"Don't." I said.
"I would never." He said with a smile as he went back to the dishes.

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