Auntie Nat

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Natasha's POV

I found some clothes in a few drawers downstairs. I didn't know whom it belonged to but what mattered was that they were clean. I brought them up to our room and sat down on the bed and waited for Steve to get out of the bathroom. I didn't have to wait long. Five minutes later, he came out of the steamy bathroom with a towel around his waist, showing of his entire chest. I couldn't help but stare at his muscles and I could tell he noticed. I could also tell he blushed.
"The showers free." He said and I smiled. I awkwardly walked past him, holding my clothes. Before I closed the bathroom door I turned to him.
"Yeah I noticed. And I put some clothes on the bed." I said and he smiled.
"Thanks." He said and I shut the door.
The mirror was foggy so I wiped my hand over it to be able to see my reflection. I had a few scratch marks on my face and I felt sore on some places on my body from the landing after the bomb. Other than that and the shot in my arm, I was fine. I took of my suit and hung it next to Steve's. He had hung his perfectly on a hook and I took after his behaviour.
I took of my underwear and stepped into the shower. I let the hot water touch my body and it made my scratches sting. I tried to keep my arm out of the water as much as possible but it was tricky. I managed to wash my hair with my right hand and dry my body with the towel with the right one as well. I went out of the shower with wet hair and I looked around only to realise that Steve wasn't in the room. I sat down on the bed and continued to dry my hair.
A few moments later, Steve stepped inside and sat down on the chair across from me.
"I tried to look for some food but all they had was an old jar of jelly." He said smirking and I smiled.
"You okey?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said, trying to make it believable.
He looked at me and as I looked up, his eyes stared into mine.
"What's up?" He said and I gave him a small smile.
"When I first joined SHIELD, I thought I was going straight. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. " I said and broke the eye contact and looked down at the floor. "I thought I knew who's lies I was telling, but I guess I can't tell the difference anymore." I said and looked up at his face again.
"There might be a chance you're in the wrong business." He said smirking. I smiled slightly until it quickly faded.
"I owe you." I said seriously.
"Nah, it's okey." He said and broke the eye contact again.
"If it was the other way around, if it was down to me to save your life. And you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?" I asked, afraid of the answer.
"I would know, and I'm always honest." He said faster then expected with a small smile on his face.
"Well, you seem pretty chipper for a guy who died for nothing." I said with a smile.
"I guess I like to know who I'm fighting." He said and I smiled. We were quiet for a while, just looking at each other before I realised what we were doing.
"We should call someone.." I said.
I picked up my phone and realised it was dead. The glass had broke and I couldn't even put it on.
"We need a phone." Steve said. And I nodded.
"Yes, since Captain Old didn't know how to bring one." I said and he smirked.
"Very funny." He said.

Steve's POV

We found a phone downstairs in the kitchen. A very old one and Natasha had doubts that it would even work at first, but to our luck, it did. She looked at me.
"Who shall we call?" She asked and I shock my head.
"I don't know anyone's number." I said and her face shined up.
"I know one." She said and picked up the phone.
After a while, a voice could be heard in the other end.
"Laura? It's Natasha."
"Natasha, hi! It's been such a long time since last time. How are you?" The woman called Laura said and Natasha smiled.
"I'm actually in a sort of emergency and I need Clint's number.." Natasha said putting her teeth together.
"Of course, why would you else call?" Laura joked. She said the number and Natasha wrote it down on a small paper.
"Is that Auntie Nat?" A little voice in the background said.
"Yes but she can't talk right now.." Laura said and Natasha shock her head.
"It's okey Laura, put her on the phone." She said.
"Auntie Nat?" The same little voice said.
"Hi honey. How are you?" Natasha said with a happy voice.
"I'm good. When are you coming to us again? I have a drawing for you."
Natasha smiled.
"It won't be long until next time, I promise. And I really look forward to see that drawing! But honey I got to go, but I'll call you later. Is that alright?" Natasha said, with the same happy voice.
"Okey. Bye auntie Nat!" The voice said happily and Natasha hung up.
"Who was.. " I began.
"Not now. You'll get it later." Natasha said as she again picked up the phone.
"Clint we need your help. Right now."

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