My moon

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Natasha's POV

My hands shock with fear and I looked at Steve who stood quiet. I knew that if I would try to speak, my voice would break. I felt a stream of feelings wash over me. I tried to stop myself from crying. From showing myself as weak. But I had to realise the fact that a human grew inside of me. I was pregnant. I didn't know how, it isn't possible. I'm pretty sure that the thing went right on my graduation ceremony. I'm infertile. Or at least, I was. Soon my entire body shook and Steve wrapped his arms around my body. I had missed that. I shouldn't have left. I know that. And he shouldn't forgive me so easily. He has all the right in the world to me angry at me. But I couldn't hold it in, I burst out in tears. I never cried this much in front of someone, especially someone I loved. He hugged me tighter and I sobbed into his arm. He kissed my head time after time.
"It's okey Natasha. It's going to be alright." He said while stroking my head. "I'm here. It's going to be okey." He said and I tried to get my breathing steady.
"It's yours." I whispered between the few sobs that still came out and he breathed out heavily. I wasn't sure of his reaction. I was afraid to look up at his face. As my brain told myself to stop being such a baby, I tried to stop crying. I felt weak and I didn't like it. I was raised not to like it. "I haven't been with anyone else for a long time." I said as I tried to get out of his grip. He slowly let me go and I started pacing around the apartment with my hands on my hip. I wiped away the few tears still left on my cheek and didn't even care about how messed up my mascara was. I put my hair away from my face and stared down at the ground as I stressfully walked around.
"I'm behind you whatever you choose to do." Steve said and I managed to calm my breathing a bit. "Are you going to do an abortion?" He asked and I shock my head.
"I'm in the third month, it's too late. And I don't think I could ever do that." I said and he nodded. I kept pacing around until Steve's hand grabbed my arm. He looked me into the eyes and I felt more calm.
"Natasha. I still love you. And you need to calm down. We'll work this through." He said and I stared into his deep blue eyes. I'd do anything for the child in my belly to get those blue eyes.
I sat down on the sofa and he sat down beside me. He took my hand and didn't let go.
"Have you talked to a doctor?" He asked and I nodded.
"They don't know how it happen. They thought I was infertile as well. Baby's fine though." I said and looked down at my stomach. Steve followed my eyes.
"Can I?" He said and I looked at him nervously before I dragged up my shirt a bit and my little baby bump was reviled. He carefully put his hands in my stomach and a little small smile appeared on his face. A smile he deeply tried to hide because of the situation.
He took his hands of my belly and looked at me.
"I was mad at you." He said and I nodded.
"You should be." I said and he shock his head.
"Yeah I thought so too. But then I thought again. I like you for you. And I get why you ran away, I know that you're scared. But I'm here. I won't leave. And I hope you won't either." He said and I nodded.
"Do you trust me?" I asked and he smiled a little.
"I do." He said.
"Then I won't leave." I said and he nodded.
"Good because I'm going to need you here." He said. I smiled a little and put my hand around his neck. I kissed him softly and it went into a more embraced kind of kiss. I may have been gone for only three months, but one week was enough to show myself how much I actually love him.

Steve's POV

I was still in some kind of shock. I wasn't sure what's going to happen. I'm not sure how it happened. Natasha seems scared. Natasha is scared. I am as well. But I only think of her. How long have she known? Probably not that long. Since she thought this never would be something that could happen to her, I'm sure her mind wasn't even in that place. I hate to admit it to myself, but I was happy. Happy that she didn't choose an abortion even if she didn't want to. I'm happy that I'm about to become a father. And I'm happy that it is with Natasha.
Natasha hadn't left my apartment since she arrived. She sat outside on the balcony. She wore one of my t-shirt and it didn't show the baby bump. Her legs were bare and she looked cold. I brought a blanked and went out to her. I put the blanket over her legs and up to the waist. She smiled as she looked up at me. I took a chair and sat down beside her. The sky was dark but clear and the stars were visible. Just like the moon.
"I'm freaking terrified." I said and she looked at me with a surprised expression.
"I'm scared." I said and she nodded.
"Me too." She said and took my hand.
She looked away from my face but didn't let go of my hand. She looked up at the moon.
"I'm not sure I'll be suitable for a mother." She said.
"I'm not sure I'll be suitable for a father." I said and she looked at me.
"That's bullshit." She said and I shock my head with a little smile.
"So is yours." I said and she smirked a little.
"It's going to be so hard." She whined and I nodded.
"No I meant the not drinking alcohol like ever part." She said and I laughed.
She smiled and put her free hand up towards the sky. She closed one eye and put her thumb over the moon. I looked at her with a smile.
"If I could I'd buy you that moon. Then you could keep it with you wherever you go." I said and she chuckled a bit.
"I already have a moon." She said with a smile while she looked at me and took down her hand.
"Really?" I said with a small chuckle. "You gotta show me it someday." I said with a smile and she nodded.
"Look into a mirror." She smiled and turned her face up to the stars again.
"You're my moon." She said quietly and squeezed my hand a bit.

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