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Natasha's POV

"Agent Romanoff, do you copy?"
"This is agent Romanoff, I copy." I said between my breaths. "On my count, one.. two.. three!" I said as the agents went inside the building in the front and I went inside through the backdoor with another agent.
"Keep your hands above your heads!" I shouted at the men sitting on the couch. All three put up their hands in the air as we pointed our guns at them. One of the men suddenly picked up a gun and fired a shot. I jumped for protection behind a wall and shot the man in the arm, making him drop the gun. A few agents arrested the men as I searched the place for drugs. It wasn't a really big amount but big enough for the men to go to prison for several years. I was pretty sure their weapons wasn't legal either.
"You shot me!" One of the men moaned with a sob in his throat. I smirked down at him.
"What did you expect when you fired that gun?" I said, honestly wondering if he was completely stupid.
"Agent Romanoff, I believe we're done here." One of the agents said. I nodded and followed them out.

I got a text from Fury, saying I should meet him in his office. I walked towards his office with quick and steady steps. My morning sickness had started to fade a little and I hoped it would keep this way. I opened the doors to his office and stepped inside.
"What did you want to.." I began as I saw Steve standing by Fury's desk with his arm crossed over his chest. He gave me a serious look and I looked at Nick. He stood behind the desk with a 'there was nothing I could do' look on his face. All I could say was: "Crap."
"Why the hell would you go on that mission?" Steve asked upset and I sighed. "And how could you let her?!" Steve said as he turned to Fury.
"Captain, If Natasha says she can, maybe she can. I have no time for your issues. There's plenty of them as it is." Fury said as he began walking out from his office. He stopped close to me. "Good luck with that." He said before walking out of the office, leaving the two of us alone. The door slammed shut and Steve just stared at me.
"Look, it wasn't a big mission." I said but Steve interrupted.
"Big mission or not, you could have gotten yourself hurt Natasha!" He said.
"You're being ridiculous. I can take care of myself you know!" I said and he shock his head.
"This isn't just about you anymore." He said and I sighed.
"I'm perfectly aware of that since its growing inside of me. But I'm not going to stay away from my job for months just because it's safer to be at home." I said and Steve put his hands on his hips. I took a few steps closer to him but kept a distance. "You can't keep me locked up." I said and he sighed.
"But I just want.."
"Us to be safe. I know. But in that case, you should stay safe too and stay of missions as well." I said and he shock his head.
"I get it but you should have talked to me." He said.
"But you wouldn't have let me go." I said and he looked at me.
"I would have come with you." He said and I couldn't help but smile a bit. "Let's compromise. You'll get to go to easy missions if I can come with you." He said.
"In that case, those are the only missions you can take. I'm not going to be left alone with a newborn baby." I said and he nodded.
"Fine." He said.
"Have I ever told you that you make a really sexy expression when you're angry?" I said and Steve blushed a bit and looked down.
"Nat stop it." He said with a smile and I smirked as I stepped closer to him.
"I'm just being honest. I thought honesty was your thing." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He looked at me and smiled. I sighed and bit my lip.
"I'm.. Sorry." I said and Steve was surprised by my apology. "I should have talked to you." I said and he smiled.
"I'm sorry I overreacted. You're right, I can't keep you locked inside." He said and I nodded. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I went a little closer.
"Yes of course I'm right." I said with a smirk. He chuckled.
"You we're so close to a real apology." He said and I smiled.
"I believe it counts." I said as I stood on my toes to reach his lips. I kissed him a few times before I suddenly felt his hands on my belly. I smiled a bit between the kisses and kissed him once again.

Steve's POV

I woke up as my hands landed around a pillow instead of around Natasha's body. I slowly opened my eyes realising she wasn't laying beside me. I went out of bed and out of the bedroom. It didn't take long until I saw here. I stood by the bedroom door, watching her. She sat by the kitchen table with her head in her hands. It looked like her body was shaking and my heart twisted. I slowly walked up to her.
"Nat?" I said and she looked up at me. She wasn't crying. But she was sad.
"I'm okay." She said and I sat down at a chair beside her.
"What is it?" I asked and she sighed a little, looking at her hand that was shaking.
"I'm scared. The baby.. I.. I'm not prepared for this. I'm always prepared for everything but not now.." She said, mumbling the words. I took her shaking hand in mine and held it steady. She looked at me with serious eyes. "I'm not ready to be a mother." She said and I smiled.
"That's what every parent says before having a baby." I said and she shock her head.
"You know that this is different. My past. Everything. It's all too much." She said and I sighed.
"First of all, the baby in there isn't going to care about what happened to you. It's going to love you no matter what. And second of all, I can't imagine anyone more suitable to have this baby than you." I said as I squeezed her hand a little. "You're going to be a great mother." I said and she looked at me with the same serious eyes.
"How can you be so sure?" She asked and I smiled.
"Because I know you." I said. She looked at me for a while and her hand stopped shaking.
"Do you think you could just hold me for a while?" She asked and I smiled. I stood up and simply lifted her up in my arms.
"Steve? What are you doing?" She asked chuckling a bit as I walked towards the bedroom with her in my arms.
"I'm holding you." I said as I laid her down on the bed and laid down next to her myself. I wrapped my arms around her hard and kissed her neck and her shoulders.
She upturned around to face me in my grip and she smiled a little.
"Thank you." She whispered before she kissed my lips and I wrapped my arm around her back, dragging her a little closer.
The truth was, I should thank her. I was scared. Terrified. She just didn't know. And I didn't want her to know. I didn't want to worry her more. But I felt the fear in my entire body. I had never been so scared. At least Natasha's kisses soothed me a bit. I couldn't wait to raise a baby with her. But the thought of two people that I love more than everything. Two people that I had to protect. Two people that could get hurt. The thought scared me more than I'd like to admit.
"No. Thank you." I whispered as our lips met another time and I forgot about my thoughts for a while.


Sorry for the bad updates guys! I've been so busy in school. I'm going to try to do more updates! Have a great night everyone and I hope that you're all feeling well. And if you don't, remember that this is just a phase in your life that you're going to get through. Every hard thing in your life is something you've gotten through alive. You're great. Don't forget that.
Love you all.❤️

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