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Natasha's POV

The pain hit my stomach as a knife. As if a sharp silver blade slowly cut up my belly and took out everything inside. It felt as if all my blood was running out of my body, leaving empty veins. My hand went to my stomach as I sat up in the bed. Steve's arm was still around me and he woke up by my sudden movement. As the pain once again hit my stomach but harder, I cried out in pain. Steve looked at me with wide eyes, not sure of how to react. As my stomach twisted in ways I didn't know possible, I looked down. The dark red blood made its way over the clean white sheet. I was soon sitting in a big puddle of red with my hands pressed to the little life inside of me. The fear made its was through my entire body like an electric shock and I grabbed Steve's hand hard as my stomach twisted again.
"The baby!" I cried as Steve let go of my hand, disappearing from my side. I didn't know where he went. I didn't really care. I lost all the care I had. It was as if my ability to love disappeared. Again.

Steve's POV

"It's a punishment. For all the things I've done." She said, smiling a little. Though her smile wasn't a happy one. "I deserved this. You didn't."
"Nat." I said with a sob in my throat.
"I knew this would happen. As soon as I get hopes that I might be happy, it all disappears. I tried to tell you this. But you didn't listen." She said and I tried taking her hand but she shock mine of.
"Natasha please stop.."
"How could I have been so stupid? Thinking I even had a chance?" She said, almost chuckling.
"Nat." I said as a few tears fell from my eyes. She looked at me and her face changed as she saw my tears.
"I'm.. I.. I'm sorry." She said, her voice breaking into a slight sob. "I killed our child." She said.
"It's not your fault. Please stop saying that." I said as I stood up, wiping away the tears from my eyes. I made her give me some space in the hospital bed and I laid down beside her. She buried her face in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her hard.
"I had a child, and then I lost it." She said crying into by chest. "Everything I love gets taken from me." She sobbed and I felt tears stream down my own cheeks. I couldn't hold it in and let out a few sobs as Natasha did the same.
I changed our embrace into a tight hug as we cried into each other's shoulders for a while. It felt as if my heart was being ripped apart. Piece by piece. And every rip became more painful than the last one. One rip after another until I was too exhausted to stay awake. My swollen red eyes shut and I forgot about it all for a moment.

Sorry for it being so short, and awful. I'll give you another update tomorrow. I feel sad after this so I'm probably going to watch the notebook and cry. Bye guys.

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