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Steve's POV

After Natasha had rushed out of the hospital without permission, I talked to her doctor. Her concussion could have a big damage on her brain if she didn't rest enough. And the doctor didn't have a choice but to send her home because of her stubbornness but I promised to look after her since I believed the best thing she could do right now was rest.
I thanked the doctor and went outside to the car where Natasha sat, waiting for me.
"What took you so long?" She asked with a smirk as I sat down behind the wheel.
"I had to deal with your mess." I said and she laughed.
"This is a mess." She said and pointed at her forehead. A white bandage was perfectly put over a pretty deep scratch wound she had got from the fall. "Rip it of." She said and I hesitated. "Just do it." She said as she looked at me seriously. I ripped it of and she made a hurt face.
"Fuck." She said and I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. She looked herself in the mirror. The wound was still very red with blood left. But fortunately, it wasn't anything serious.
She rested her head against the headrest and turned to look at me as I started the car. I looked at her and she looked lost in a thought.
"What happened to the girl?" She asked and I looked at her quickly.
"No close relatives. Hopefully she'll get adopted or end up in a foster family." I said and Natasha sighed. She shock her head lightly and looked down a little.
"Great." She said with a sarcastic voice and I looked at her.
"You did everything you could do." I said and she looked at me. She sighed and looked up a little.
"It's just.. It's another little girl that has to grow up alone. No ones going to be there for her." She said and I shock my head.
"You don't know that." I said and she chuckled.
"Believe me, I do." She said and looked out of the window. "She'll be fine though."
I took a deep breath and looked out over the houses we passed by. Kids were playing in a park and played a game of football. A little girl sat lonely on a swing as the other kids played hide and seek. I sighed and kept driving.
"You." I said and she looked at me.
"You asked me who I wanted you to be. I want you to be you." I said and she looked at me with intense eyes.
"I don't think I even know who that is anymore." She said as she looked out of the front window.
"I do. It's that same woman who loves Lila and Cooper. It's the same woman who saved the life of a little girl while risking her own. It's the same woman who kissed me on a mission." I said and she looked at me.
"Well, sometimes you need to shut up." She said and I laughed.
"Yeah, you're probably right about that one." I said and she raised an eyebrow.
"Probably?" She said with a smirk.

Natasha's POV

I hated myself for always making everything into a joke or something like that. But I can't express my feelings and Steve is so good at pointing them out. I looked over at Steve who sat by my kitchen table. He refused to leave me alone, knowing I would probably run of at some mission. He was right.
"It's late. You should go." I said and he looked up at me. A big smirk formed on his face as he looked into my eyes.
"You really think that'll work?" He asked as his smirk turned into a smile. "I'm not leaving." He said and I sighed.
"So what? You're just going to sit there all night and make sure I rest?" I asked and he nodded and looked down at yesterday's newspaper in his hands.
"Yep." He said and I tiredly sat down at the chair across from him.
"You're really annoying." I said as I brought my knees to my chest.
"I know." He said with half a smile.
"Steve. Don't you have anything better to do?" I asked and he looked at me.
"Sure, but there's nothing I'd want to do more than this." He said.
"Your life must be very boring if the funniest thing you can think of is to be my babysitter." I said and Steve raised his shoulders.
"I guess I like spending time with you." He said and I took a deep breath.
"Well then, what do you want to do?" I asked and he looked at me with a smile.

"Are we really going to watch all of these?" I asked as he picked up a bunch of pretty new Disney movies.
Steve smiled.
"I love Disney and I missed a lot of them over the years." He said and I laughed. "And since you won't sleep, like ever, what else had you planned tonight?" He asked and I smiled.
"None of your business." I said and he smirked. He picked up the Disney movie Tangled and put it one. He then sat down next to me in the couch and I picked up my cup of tea I had been making as Steve had run to his place to get the movies. I took a sip and burned my tongue a little on the hot water.
I put it down and tried to concentrate on the movie. But too often, my eyes went to Steve.

Steve's POV

I was really into the movie. It was really good. The scene where Flynn and Rapunzel is in the boat with a lot of lanterns in the air was just showed and I looked over at Natasha. I had felt her head on my shoulder but I didn't realised she had fallen asleep. I was dead still not to wake her. She probably hadn't slept since she was passed out. I smiled at her and carefully dragged my hand threw her hair. I took the remote and turned down the sound as I carried her up in my arms. I carried her bridal style into her bedroom and carefully out her down on the bed. I put the blanket over her and kissed her forehead softly. I turned around to walk outside the room when I felt her hand grab mine. I looked back at her and her eyes tried to flutter open but stayed close.
"Don't leave me." She whispered as she dragged me towards the bed. She moved a little and I laid down beside her. She smiled a small smile as she put herself closer to me and I put my arm around her. A buzz rushed trough my body and I brought her a little closer. "Don't ever leave me." She whispered so quietly I could barley hear it.
"I won't." I whispered loud enough for her to hear.
"Everyone does." She whispered and I shock my head.
"Not me." I whispered as I kissed her head. I won't. I promise.

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