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Natasha's POV

"Rogers. I just got of the phone with Fury and we got a mission." I said as I held my phone pressed to my ear to hear what he had to say.
"Okey, when?" He asked and I smiled at the confused tone in his voice.
"I'll pick you up in 20 minutes, I'll tell you the details then." I said.
"Yes I'm at.."
"The avengers tower. I'll be there in 20." I said as I hung up.
I didn't know why but I couldn't help the big smile on my face. Strange.

Steve's POV

"You're late." Natasha said as she sat in the car parked outside the building. The window was down and she looked at me with a smirk. Her black cat suit was put on perfectly and her red hair was shiny against the black fabric.
"Well, I'm not sure if one minute counts as late. What's the mission?" I said as I got inside the car. Natasha started to drive and I threw my shield in the backseat.
"It's an old HYDRA base apparently. SHIELD has it under control but there's been slight movements there lately and they suspect bad visitors. And we're supposed to take them down." She said as she handed me a file. I opened it and nodded.
"Shouldn't be a problem." I said and Natasha looked at me and nodded.

When we finally got to the old HYDRA base, I was surprised to hear that there had been signs of movement. The place, which was located in the woods with absolutely nothing surrounding it, looked very abounded. It looked like the buildings roof was going to fall in at any minute.
"I don't think there's anyone here. This place is about to crash any time. I don't think I've ever seen a building as bad as this one." I said and looked over at Natasha.
"Are you kidding me?" She said with a little smile on her face as her eyes watched the building. "This house looks 100 times better than my first home." She walked carefully towards the house with her gun in her hands. I followed her with my shield in my hands in case of emergency while I tried to picture her first home.
"Let's take this way." I said as I moved towards the front door. Natasha didn't listen but waved her hand as a gesture for me to follow her. "Nat? Where are you going?" I said annoyed since I knew I had to come with her.
I ran quickly after her and we reached another door on the backside of the building. Well, I could barley call it a door, since it was pretty much broken. Natasha pushed the door a little lightly and it opened. I hurried to step inside before her and took up the shield over my head. Natasha closed the door after us and the room became completely dark. I could feel Natasha's presence as she fumbled with something in her hands. A light suddenly shined up the room and it came from her phone. She looked at me as I looked down at the phone.
"What? It's not like I brought a flashlight?" She said as she looked at the room. It was old files and papers all around and looked a lot like an old office.
"We could just have taken the front door as I told you." I said a little annoyed since I was almost 100% sure that this area was empty.
"Shh!" She said.
"What? No Natasha talk to me." I said annoyed.
"No shh!" She said seriously and I didn't understand.

Natasha's POV

The voices became louder, precisely as Steve's.
"Don't hush me!" He said very loud and annoyed. Without thinking, my lips were pressed onto his. He was caught by surprise by the unexpected kiss. So was I. I only wanted him to shut the hell up but as my lips met his, I forgot about the voices in the next room. What from the beginning was meant as a quick kiss to make him quiet became a longer one. A passionate one. I was surprised by the weakness that crawled it's way down to my legs and the hot blood that took place in my cheeks. My thoughts became unclear and I wanted.. I wanted more. My thoughts as well as the kiss was interrupted as I fell to the floor behind a desk. Steve fell down beside me and we were both sitting down on the floor, below a high enough desk for the men that entered the room not to see us. I looked quickly at Steve but turned away my confused stare as I realised his eyes were searching for mine as well. I decided to ignore everything and focus on the mission.
I looked at Steve.
"Many?" I whispered.
He took up four fingers and I nodded.
I took up three fingers and mouthed.
"One, two.. Three!"
We both stood up and drew our weapons towards the men in the back of the room.
"Lay down your weapons!" Steve shouted. They were caught by surprise but drew their weapons anyway. The shots started and I fired a bullet against one of the men's arms and he fell to the ground. I took shelter behind the desk and kept trying to shoot them down. I looked up at Steve who where protecting himself with the shield.
"Some help here Steve." I said as I ran and jumped on his shield, making me fall perfectly onto one mans shoulder as he fell to the ground. Steve fought the other guy and threw his shield at the fourth one, saving me from getting a bullet in my chest. As all four of them laid on the floor, I turned to Steve.
"Thank you.." I said awkwardly.
"It's fine." He said as he went towards one of the shot men on the floor.
"Is there anyone else here?" He asked with an angry tone at the man who looked like he was going to pass out any moment. He didn't answer. I stepped forward and pressed my gun to his head.
"Again, is there someone else here?" I asked and he shock his head.
"No, I promise. Don't.. Don't kill me please. Wife and kids.." He said with a scared voice. He had a Russian accent and I rolled my eyes.
"What is it?" Steve asked and I looked at him tiredly.
"There someone else upstairs." I said as I shot all four men in the leg. Steve looked at me with an annoyed face.
"What? Do you want them to get away?" I said as I began walking outside the room and towards a stairwell. Steve followed my every step and I looked back at his face as the shared kiss came into my mind again. I watched his face. He had a focused look in his eyes and he was ready for a fight at any moment. Suddenly, his eyes met mine again. They were blue. Not that I hadn't noticed that before, I've just never really seen the beauty in them. The way they shone brighter when you could see his blonde hair.
"What?" Steve asked. He wasn't rude, just curious.
"Nothing." I said quickly and drew my looks towards the door at the end of the stairwell. Without thinking, I opened the door and stepped into the room. Steve walked right behind me. We walked into the next room quietly but it didn't work out as planned. It took no more than ten seconds before we were surrounded by at least 25 men, all armed with guns.
"Shit." I whispered annoyed.
Steve looked around at all the men and I looked at him. He read my eyes and knew what I was thinking. There was a possibility that we could take them all down, but we wouldn't be able to figure out what was really going on.
"Lay down your weapons!" One of the men said and Steve looked at me as I put down the guns on the floor and Steve put down his shield. It was clearly hard for him. The men took us into the next room and I pressed a button on my phone, making SHIELD know that there's an emergency right here and they might come for help.
We were led into a big room, it could have been a dining room once. A big table with broken chairs stood in the middle of the room and a man was sitting in one of them.

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