The green confession

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Natasha's POV

I could see the hammer move a bit and I looked at Thor's terrified face. I then looked at Steve. He could take it up? But he didn't? Because of Thor? It moved. That was clear. But Steve just smiled and raised his shoulders and went back to his seat.
Clint stepped forwards and tried to take it if the table with no luck.
"Natasha?" Bruce said and made a movement with his hands, showing me the way to the hammer. I smiled and shock my head.
"That's not a question I need answered." I said and took another sip of my beer. Steve looked at me and I tried to focus on something else.
"I don't see the problem." Thor said with a smirk as he easily took the hammer in his hands.
"Buuuuuh!" Clint shouted and everyone laughed.
I looked at Steve. He mouthed the word 'five' before grabbed his empty beer bottle and went out of the room.
"Natasha? Can I talk with you?" Bruce asked and I looked at him surprised.
"Sure." I said as I followed Bruce out to the balcony. "What's up?" I asked and he turned to me. He smiled a little.
"I don't know if you've noticed.." He began.
"Notice what?" I asked and he took a deep breath.
"After the battle, I was gone for a few days. I had to get my mind straight. I've really tried to push it away, but I just can't seem to stop think about you. Ever since.." He said and I stopped him.
"What are you saying?" I asked and he looked down with a smile.
"I'm in love with you." He said and I felt my heart twist. I hated this. He took my hand.
"Bruce.." I said and he looked up at me with sad eyes as my hand was left alone.
"Yeah I know. I could tell you didn't feel the same by the look on your face." He said and I tried to clean my face from any expression.
"I'm sorry." I said and gave him a hug.
He embraced me tight but not impolitely. "I have to go." I said and he nodded.
"I care about you Natasha. I want you to know that." He said and I smiled as I stepped inside.

I was just about to look for Steve when I saw him looking at me. At us.
"Steve?" I asked and he turned his heel and walked away. "Steve?!" I shouted after him and walked after him.
"What the hell Steve? Stop!" I said and he stopped walking and I went up to him.
"What do you want?" I asked and he shock his head.
"It doesn't matter." He said and I looked at him confused.
"But why..?" I mumbled and he didn't look at me. "You wanted to talk. Talk." I said and he chuckled.
"You want me to talk?!" He said angrily and I looked at him seriously. "How about you talk for once Natasha?!"
"Then what do you want me to say?" I said angry by his angry tone.
"The truth." He said and I looked up at him.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said and he shock his head with a little chuckle.
"That's the thing Natasha. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep trying to chase you around. Do whatever you want but at least tell me if I'm one of those things! You could talk to me!" He said and walked away. I followed him into the elevator and as soon as it had begun moving, I pressed the stop button.
"Press the button Natasha." Steve said with an angry tone.
"No. If you want me to talk, lets talk." I said with such an angry tone that Steve backed a few steps.
"Don't you see how much I'm trying?! You're so fucking annoying Steve. I try to show you what you deserve and you keep pushing that away. And then you get angry at me for not giving you what you want?! Listen damn carefully, I'm not easy. I'm complicated. And that won't go away. It will never go away. I'm not the girlfriend type, as you probably know. But can't you see how much I like you!?!" I asked angry as hell and he just looked at me. "What do you want me to do?!" I asked again just as angry.
"Prove it." He said and this was the edge. I stormed into his arms and began kissing him. Our tongues touched and I pressed him closer. I ripped his shirt open and it fell to the floor. I touched his bare chest and he dragged down my dress. I stepped out of it and unbuckled his belt. I jumped up in his arms and he struggled to get his pants of. I wrapped my legs around him and he pressed me to the wall. I took a hold of his head and pressed it towards my neck and he began kissing me there. It all happened so fast and it was like I was dreaming. Steve held me steady against the wall and I took of my bra and his hand went to my breasts. I kissed his lips and bit his a little. We breathed fast and sometimes, not at all. I tried to take of my panties but he ripped them of before I got a chance. He pressed me harder to the wall and went inside. I kissed him hard.

Steve's POV

I was out of breath and Natasha struggled to get her dress on again. Her hair was a mess and I tried to button my shirt but realised that most of the buttons were gone. I left it half open and put on my pants again. Natasha out on her heels and I zipped up her dress. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me softly and I melted. She bet forwards and whispered inside my ear.
"I'm really, really... mad at you." She said as she pressed the stop button again and the elevator started moving. It didn't take long until it stopped and the door opened.
"What the hell." Clint said and looked at us both surprised. Natasha walked out and played clueless.
"What?" She asked with an innocent voice.
"Oh just, whatever." Clint said as he looked at my open shirt. "Classy." He said as he walked away and I ran after Natasha.

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