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The American winters were always harsh, and no one in their right mind would ever stay out in it too long.
For young Pietro Maximoff, he had no choice. And so, here he was. Pietro walked down the streets of some American city he didn't know the name of. Harsh wind and biting frost ate at his skin, and the only thing he had for protection was a thin jacket over his shoulders. It was worn and did nothing against the cold. His sneakers had holes beginning to form from all the walking. His trousers were ripped and dirty and thin. He may as well have been walking around naked. But he had no other choice. With no where to go, his only choice was the streets. And so he fought his way through the harsh wind and struggled his way into a coffee shop.

The young Sokovian sighed out in relief as the warm coffee scented air hit his face. He looked up and around at the relatively empty shop and decided to sit down. He just needed somewhere to rest, to warm up.
Pietro walked over to a empty booth at the back the table, his arms tightly around his torso in an attempt to keep what body heat he had. God, how he wished he could buy a coffee.. 

He sat down on the seat, a sigh leaving his lips at how comfy the leather felt against his muscles. It definitely beat some cardboard in a dark alley way. The young boy relaxed happily into the seat, and almost fell asleep. Of course the warm and relaxing smell in the shop didn't help matters.

"Excuse me, sir? Can I get you anything?" A voice startled the young Sokovian from his half-slumbering state.

"I-" Pietro started, his voice cracking from going so long without any use. He clears his throat softly, looking up to look at the man who woke him up. He had a tight dark purple shirt on under the green apron. His had short, soft looking blond hair and bright blue but tired looking eyes. His name tag read 'Clint'. Pietro had practically forgotten whatever he was gonna say.

"Well?" The man asked, his pen and note pad at the ready. Pietro cleared his throat, looking down as he scratched at his growing beard awkwardly and mentally prepared  himself to be thrown out of the shop.

"I.. Well, I don't have any money.. I just needed somewhere to go.." He whispered, waiting to be grabbed and pushed back through the door into the harsh cold. Instead the man kneeled down, looking at the boy before him. His eyes traveled over the frail body, studying the clothes and look on the face of the man, his long and scruffy hair brown hair, and matching facial hair. He then stood back up, writing down on his notebook.

"That's one hot chocolate, one ham and cheese sandwich, a serving of our soup of the day and a brownie." He nodded, tucking the pen into the pocket of his apron. Pietro stared at the blond, utterly confused.

"But, I just said-"

"I know what you said, kid." The man then turned and walked off back to the counter to sort out the order.

The young man could only stare before looking down at his lap, trying to think over what just happened. It was unexpected to say the least.

Pietro sighed, leaning back in his seat and curling up to warm himself up. His arms wrap around his torso, his eyes closed and he almost fell asleep again. The place was just so comfy..

After a few minutes of dozing, the man came back over. Pietro opened his eyes quickly and sat up, mumbling an apology. The blond man simply smirked and set down the tray on the table with everything he had said on it. Pietro's eyes widened, glistening as he stared at the meal before him.
"I can't remember the last time I ate something so..." He trailed off for a moment to think, "clean." He chuckled quietly. The man smiled a little and laughed. He then took a seat opposite the Sokovian, leaning into the table.

"I bet, since I'm guessing you've been eating out of the bins for a while.." He raised an eyebrow in question, staring at the man on the other side of the table. The younger male glanced down at the food, not sure out to reply. So he decided to stay silent and began his feast. He was soon wolfing it down, devouring the food in mere minutes. Clint only watched with a small smile. "Slow down, kid.. You'll make yourself sick.." He warns but to no avail. The kid continued to eat the food fast, taking only a small break to mumble a food-filled-mouthed apology and continued eating. Clint laughed softly. It was kind of cute. "So how long have you been on the streets?" He asked after a moment. Pietro stopped and swallowed his food, sipping the chocolate the help it down his throat.

"Well.. I was kicked out when I was 15... And I'm almost 20 now, soo.." He thinks for a moment, "4 years, and 9 months." He nodded and went back to his food quickly. Clint's eyes widened as he heard those words. He frowned and looks over the kid. He didn't see why anyone would want to kick him out! He was adorable and seemed nice enough..

"What's your name?" Pietro looked at the blond, hesitant. He mentally shrugged, seeing that he had nothing to lose.

"Pietro." He answered, wiping his lips with a napkin gently. Clint nodded slightly, taking in the name.

"Well I'm Clint.. And you can come back anytime you're hungry or lonely.." He then stood up, looking down at Pietro as he brushed his apron down. "I don't work Sundays or Wednesday, but other than that I'm usually here.." He flashed a grin at the snowy haired male before walking off back to work. Pietro couldn't help the blush that spread over his cheeks as he watched the other male walk away. He smiled to himself slightly, feeling tears in his eyes. No one had ever been this generous to him. He then sighed happily and went back to eating, leaving a little bit of change on the table for Clint after he finished his food. It was the least he could do. He then tugged his thin jacket over his shoulders and began to walk out of the shop as the place began closing.
As he reaches the door he turned back to look into the shop, looking over at Clint. The blue-eyed male was currently cleaning down tables, but he glanced up at the young boy by the door. He sent over a smile before he continued on with his cleaning. Pietro smiled happily to himself and walked out into the wintery cold, hugging his jacket as he walked away to try and find a good place to sleep for the night.

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now