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It was a couple of days before Pietro went back to the café. He had forgotten how to get there for starters, but he also couldn't go back there like some sort of beggar. It just wasn't right, despite how hungry he was.

He remembered not to go back on the Wednesday. He wouldn't go there unless Clint was there.

Thursday afternoon, Pietro walks in through the door, the bell ringing above his head to signify his arrival. A few people looked up, but paid no mind to the boy and went back to their chatter. The Sokovian looked around for Clint, seeing him talking to a customer as he took their order. Pietro smiled to himself and walked over to the same seat he had sat in last time. Luckily, today wasn't as cold as the past few days or so, but it still wasn't warm. It was bearable though. Pietro sighed and fiddled in his pocket for a moment. He pulled out a few coins he had managed to collect. It was enough to buy some coffee if he was lucky, possibly a biscuit at a push. He frowned a little and leaned back in the seat, recounting the money over and over for a few minutes.

"Pietro?" A familiar voice asked in surprise. The young Sokovian looked up quickly, smiling awkwardly at the older male.

"Hey..." He said giving a small wave. Clint's surprise turned into joy almost as he realised the young boy cam back.

"I didn't think you'd come back.." Pietro frowned.

"Why wouldn't I?" Clint only smiled and shook his head.

"Never mind. Anyways, what can I get you?" He asked, lifting the note pad up, pen at the ready. Pietro looked down at his hand and lifted up the money.

"Whatever I can buy with this.." He shrugged, not minding as long as he had some food. Clint raised an eyebrow at the money before shaking his head and writing down an order.

"I'll be back now." And with that he walked off and went back to the front desk to get the order. Pietro frowned in confusion, honestly a little scared as to what the other had written down. He leans back nonetheless, trying to relax. He turned his attention to the window and watched as the world went by. He enjoyed watching people live their lives, be happy with their families. It upset him sometimes, but over the years he just sort of.. got used to it.

Clint came back over after a little while, a coffee and some soup with bread on the side. He smiled at the other and set the plate and cup down.

"Here you go." He stood back up and brushed his hair back, his muscles flexing under the tight shirts. Pietro blinked out of his trance and looked at the food.

"Uh.. Thank you.." He said quietly, quickly digging into his pocket for the money. Clint reached down though and grabbed his wrist, his chest pressed against the table.

"No.. Don't worry about the money, it's on me.." He gave the other a soft smile, but didn't move away. Pietro could only stare into the blue eyes of the other male, lost in the ocean of swishing blues mixed with hints of green. Pietro gave a weak nod, averting his gaze to look at the food.

"Thank you.." He whispered. "You don't know how much it means to me." Clint only chuckled and finally pulled back, his touch lingering on the other's wrist.

"You don't have to thank me so much.. I want to do this." And with that he walked off to continue with his job. Pietro lifted his head, watching the blond walk away. He glanced back at the food and almost felt the need to cry. He didn't know how long this would last, but he was grateful for it. He was grateful for any type of food in front of him nowadays.

He hesitantly began to eat the food, slower than last time since he didn't want to look unmannered in front of the others. His clothes didn't help his appearance and he didn't need to act like an animal just to add to people's prejudice thoughts.

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now