About 5 minutes in to the drive, Pietro's heart had finally begun to calm down a little. The heat was very welcoming for the young man and he relaxed into the car seat.

"Where are we going...?" He asked after a short moment, quietly looking out of the window next to him. He couldn't remember the last time he was inside a car...

"I'm taking you to my place. I'm not gonna let you stay out in this weather and freeze to death, so you can live with me." Clint said as if it was an everyday thing. Pietro stared at the man and he thought he may have given himself whiplash with how quickly he turned his head.

"W... what..?!" The young brunet exclaimed. Clint glanced at him before quickly looking back at the road.

"You heard me." He shrugged. Pietro felt at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say, what could he say? Thank you wouldn't be enough, but he also wanted to ask why. In the end, he just said nothing and looked out of the window again.

The drive to the other man's apartment was quick and before Pietro knew it he was standing nervously in the doorway of Clint's apartment as the blond got attacked by the golden lab he had heard so much about. Glancing around, the young Sokovian could see the place was decent. It looked like something someone would be able to afford with an average job like a cafe worker. The furniture wasn't anything special, and it mostly looked second hand or at least well used, but comfy all the same. It was clean enough to look pleasant but not like he spent all of his spare time cleaning. There was an empty pizza box on the table next to the sofa which once Clint was free he hastily put away with a muttered apology. The young male thought the place looked like heaven to him, after years of living on the streets anywhere with a roof would look like paradise.

Pietro was so caught up in admiring the apartment that he didn't notice Lucky suddenly tackle him to the floor to sniff him in frantic curiosity. The brunet went down with a yelp, flinching away quickly as he thought he would end up get bit or worse. Instead, he was just met with the sniffles of the dog before she finally pulled back with a loud bark as if to deem him okay to be in her home. Pietro relaxed quickly as the dog backed away to go back to her owner. Clint laughed softly as he fussed the dog between her ears, now halfway between the kitchen area and the living room.

"I'm sorry about her. She gets excited." He smiled a little before pulling his hand back from the dog who then turned and walked to the sofa to curl up and nap.

"No, don't worry about it." Pietro stood up and attempted a small smile at the other before glancing around again. "I, uh... I can't thank you enough for this..." He whispered after a moment, feeling awkward as he just stood in front of the still-open door. Clint only dismissed Pietro's words, saying that he honestly didn't mind as he then made his way over to the young Sokovian.

"Anyways, are you hungry? I can make you a proper meal other than soup." He chuckles, smiling kindly at Pietro. The brunet couldn't help but blush slightly and drum his fingers over his arm nervously. Clint had already explained that he would've given Pietro more, but the food was being paid for by him and he couldn't afford big meals all the time. (Once Pietro learnt this he tried to stop him from buying so much, but the other did it anyway.)

"I don't mind... I've already had you pay for my meals for the past month or so, it would feel unfair for you to cook for me too," Pietro said quietly, rubbing his arm now instead. Clint rose a brow at him which Pietro saw out of the corner of his eye.

"Pietro. It's food, chill. I can afford to cook a little more than usual. It's not the end of the world." Clint smiled at the younger male and patted him on the shoulder. "Go on. Sit down and watch some TV while I make us something. I'm starving." He gave a grin as he practically pushed Pietro down on to the couch and turned the TV on, proceeding to then thrust the remote into the poor boy's lap. The Sokovian blinked as he looked down at the remote before nodding silently and just switching to a good channel to watch. He remembered roughly how to use a TV, but that didn't stop him from accidentally opening up a settings menu and freaking out thinking he had broken it. Clint quickly assured him the TV was fine and fixed it before telling him which buttons he needed.

It didn't take long for Clint to make the food (an oven cooked pizza) and cut it all up before putting it on to plates. He got some sauces from the cupboard and some coffee for himself while Pietro had just accepted some water. The two ate together on the sofa in silence, watching an old sitcom that was actually pretty good and made them both laugh from time to time. The silence felt a little awkward, at least for Pietro but Clint was acting as if he let homeless strangers into his home all of the time. He treated Pietro almost like an old friend that needed some help while they got back on their feet, and that helped the younger relax a little into the new atmosphere. Lucky was a very friendly dog, as well, but Pietro still felt nervous around her. He had a bad past with dogs.

Once dinner was finished, Clint collected the dishes and just threw them into the sink to wash tomorrow when he had more free time to do so. He then looked over at Pietro, realising the young man was rather dirty. He didn't judge him for it, of course, so he just decided to ask if Pietro wanted to shower. The young Sokovian blushed slightly but gave a small nod. Clint only gave him a reassuring and sympathetic smile before leading him to the bathroom and getting him some clean clothes that were a little too big for the younger male but fit him enough. The two then watched the sitcom for a while longer until Clint decided to turn in for the night. He showed the boy to the guest room he had which was found in a small hallway opposite Clint's while the bathroom was found next to Pietro's new room. The older of the two bid his new roommate good night before making his way to his own room, Lucky following behind rather quickly. Pietro watched for a moment as Clint waved at him before finally shutting the door. The young brunet blinked before stepping into his own room slowly and closing the door behind him. He looked around for a moment, glancing at everything. The room wasn't very special or decorated. There was a bed covered with monochrome bedsheets and pillows, the frame metal with chipping silver paint; there was a bedside table with a lamp, a chest of drawers and a desk all the same wood-like material and colour. The walls were a sort of cream looking colour and the floor was a soft grey carpet then felt sort under Pietro's now bare feet. The young male smiled to himself slightly as he made his way to the double bed, not bothering to pull the sheets as he fell on to the bed. A heavy sigh left his lips as he curled up to the comfortable sheets and pillows. He buries his face into the pillows, laughing happily as he felt a few tears fall on to the sheets in happiness. It had been so long since he had even touched a bed and within seconds he was fast asleep, a smile on his face he couldn't even remember using in his life.

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now