When Clint woke up he was greeted by Tony, a plate of toast and a cup of dark coffee in his hands. He had managed to coax Clint into a slice and a half of toast and most of the coffee before his friend began to fuss about visiting Pietro. Tony, knowing better than to try and argue, drove Clint down to the hospital after ensuring he had his spare hearing aids in. 

Despite now being able to hear, Clint remained unresponsive for the most part. The doctors and nurses learned quickly that it was better to leave him be. Tony had decided to stay, as well, to keep an eye on his friend. Steve had everything handled back home and had ensured Tony he was fine to stay with Clint as long as necessary. 

Tony had already made a few calls, knowing Nat had done the same to keep everyone informed. She had managed to explain everything to Fury, and despite the man's cold exterior he had been understanding and cleared both Clint and Pietro from work, finding temps to cover their shifts. 

It was well into the afternoon when Nat had called Tony to switch over watch duty on Clint. Tony was happy to go home to his family but asked for updates if anything happened. It was only a few minutes later when Nat pulled up to the hospital and was knocking on the door to alert Tony. 

"He's just been sat there since we got here this morning. He hasn't eaten so try and see if you can get him to eat something when you take him home." Tony paused as he turned to the door, spotting the familiar red-head. It was the figure behind her that made him hesitant. Nat gave a somewhat guilty look. 

"Sorry Tony, I probably should have given you some warning..." She stepped into the room and Wanda followed in from behind, Nat's jacket huddled around her shoulders and her hair wet with melted snow. 

"I..." She glanced around Tony towards Pietro, taking in a sharp breath. "Nat picked me up from the airport." She explained softly, tearing her eyes away to glance at Tony. Tony in turn gave her a nod. 

"Well, I'm glad you could make it, kid." He gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder before he made his way out of the hospital with a final goodbye. 

Clint, for his part, was now staring at Wanda, eyes wide and unsure. She looked exhausted, eyes red-rimmed and swollen as she switched between staring at her unconscious brother and Clint. Nat gave the girl a quick hug before she mentioned something about coffee as she left, wanting to give the two a minute to talk. 

Wanda was still for a moment, considering before she wandered over carefully. She pulled over a spare chair and positioned it next to Clint's. In silence, she sat herself down, pulling off the jacket from around her shoulders and laying it across her lap like a blanket. Clint watched her cautiously as she settled herself on the chair, an unreadable expression across her face. Then, she reached out, covering Clint's hand with her own as it rested on his knee, the other currently wrapped around Pietro's. Clint glanced down at the action before twisting his hand enough to hold her's. She squeezed gently. 

"Natasha explained what she could to me," She began, "but I didn't really hear anything after 'Pietro's been shot'." She admitted, training her eyes to her brother's form. The damaged was covered by his gown and the blankets, but Clint knew what was hidden. He was glad Wanda couldn't see. "She didn't know much."

Clint managed a nod. He hadn't been able to explain much; he knew the police were still waiting for a statement and the hospital only knew the extent of the damage and their own theories. Clint knew he should explain, tell her what had happened properly. 

"I tried to protect him." 

Wanda nodded this time, brushing her thumb across the pad of his own. She didn't try to encourage him, necessarily, but Clint felt obligated to try and explain. 

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