Christmas and New Years went by quietly with no real change. Clint spent whatever time he could at the hospital, completely missing the holidays. Whenever visiting hours were open, Clint insisted on going to the hospital to sit beside Pietro and watch over him. No one had the heart to argue against it. He would sit beside the bed in silence, watching quietly as the nurses and doctors came by and left just as quickly for check-ups. Wanda was usually with him while Tony and Nat alternated in looking after the pair, ensuring that they ate and took care of themselves.

Clint found food hard to stomach most of the time but tried for his friend's sake. He slept very little, usually in short bursts whenever his body finally gave out, only to be awoken hours later with panic in his chest and his ears ringing. Someone was always there when he woke up.

Pietro still had visitors. His room was filled with bright flowers and cards wishing him well from people he didn't even know. The colours felt wrong but Clint supposed it was sweet that some many people cared about a kid they had never met before. Pietro seemed to have that effect on people.

The doctors came and went, doing their checks and ensuring Pietro was still healing. Their updates were usually the same. His body had been healing well, the outer wounds had all healed to nothing but scars and the more extensive internal damaged had been doing well. He had started breathing on his own about two weeks after surgery but was still in a catatonic state. The doctors explained that with the trauma of the surgery and the initial gunshot wounds, he was still trying to heal on a deeper, psychological level wherein the brain was trying to protect itself from further trauma. The hospital felt confident that Pietro would wake up with time and a bit of patience.

It had now been almost a month since Pietro was shot. Clint felt he had been as patient as he could be.

"Any change?" Wanda wandered into the room, Natha's jacket around her shoulders and covered in snow. She sat down in her usual spot beside Clint and took the coffee from the tray between them.

Clint shook his head and sighed, "Not yet. The doctor came in this morning, it's still just a matter of waiting."

Wanda nodded, gripping the cup between her hands to warm herself up. Winter was still in full swing and hitting the city hard. Clint didn't care as long as the roads were clear, though he did find something peaceful about the snow. He supposed it reminded him of Pietro, their first meeting, taking him home.

"But he's doing good, that's all that matters." Wanda blew on her coffee before taking a sip, staring at her brother. Pietro looked a little underweight but healthier than he had been a couple of weeks ago. She ran a hand briefly through his messy hair with a small smile on her face. "He'll wake up soon," She said softly, "I can feel it."

Clint hummed in response, squeezing Pietro's hand gently. "He's tough. I know he'll pull through." He pulled his hand back slowly, brushing against Pietro's fingers as he withdrew.

Pietro's finger twitched, barely catching Clint's own as he froze.

Wanda gasped, the coffee slipped between her fingers but she caught it and set it down beside her feet. She brushed her thumb across his forehead and watched as it crinkled beneath her hand.

"Pietro?" She stood and Clint followed, pressing close against her as he gripped Pietro's hand tighter. "Pietro, it's me. It's Wanda, can you hear me?" She watched carefully, tense as Pietro twitched, his head lolling towards the pair as his eyes twitch and his face scrunched up.

Clint almost forgot how to breathe, "Pietro?" He questioned, leaning closer as he choked down on a gasp.

Pietro's eyes opened briefly, blinking lethargically as he adjusted to the light. He grumbled, breathing slowly as his hand instinctively gripped Clint's hand, a little weak but there.

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now