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Clint got back to his apartment around half past 7, feeling exhausted and aching all over. Today had been busy in the cafe, more so than usual and Clint had been non-stop walking around and taking orders. He was surprised he still had his voice from how much he had been talking. All he wanted was to get home and order take out before going to bed.

As the blond walked through the door, he threw his keys down into the bowl, stretching out his arms as he walked into the main part of the living room.

"Lucky!" A yelp came from the kitchen followed by a giggle. When Clint looked up, the scene before him surprised him. Pietro was in the kitchen, cooking what looked like pasta. The brunet was being attacked by the old dog who apparently wanted to try out some cooking herself. The young Sokovian gently pushed the dog, a bright-looking smile on his face. "This isn't for you! I'll give you some leftovers later but Clint will be home soon and I need to get this cooked." He chuckled and turned back to the food on the stove, crying out as he quickly turned down the heat. "Bad food! You're not allowed to burn, this has to be perfect!" At that Clint couldn't help but laugh, quickly covering his mouth but it was too late. Pietro had heard and so had Lucky. The golden lab came running over to the blond, barking happily as Clint quickly started to fuss her. Pietro looked over at the older male, feeling himself freeze up. Clint looked gorgeous when he smiled like that.

Clint pushed the dog away gently after giving her a sufficient amount of fusses. He made his way over to the young male in his kitchen and grinned.

"What's all this then??" He walked up behind the boy and leaned over his shoulder, breathing in the smell of the pasta and sauce being cooked. "Smells great." Pietro shrunk in on himself as he felt his cheeks burn but smiled nonetheless.

"I, uh... It's nothing special. I realised there was some food here close to its best before date and I wanted to do something nice for you so I, um.. cooked..." He turned the heat down low to stop the food burning and turned to face the blond behind him. His breath caught in his throat at the close proximity of the two. Blue met blue in a soft stare. "I hope that's okay..?" The brunet whispered, breathing softly. Clint only stood about an inch away from Pietro, their breath mixing. The older male let his eyes flick down to stare at the soft pair of pale lips before looking back up again. Pietro felt his stomach twist, heart fluttering in his chest.

"That's amazing... Thank you, Pietro." And then he stepped back and the Sokovian felt his heart hammer in his chest. If the other had just leaned in a little further... Pietro coughed gently and turned quickly, stirring the sauce and pasta before then turning off the stove completely.

"It's, uh... all cooked so you should just go sit and relax and I'll bring it over." The brunet muttered, ignoring the crack in his voice. Clint nodded slightly, glancing at the other male before then walking over to the sofa.

Pietro brought the two plates over to the sofa, laying them down on the coffee table. The brunette sat down beside Clint, knees brushing against each other. Clint muttered a thank you and picked up the place, gathering some food together on his fork and taking a bite. Instantly a moan slipped through his lips and he wanted nothing more than to stuff his face with the entire plate.

"This is amazing!" Pietro smiled a little and looked down at his plate, stirring his food around on the plate.

"I added a few herbs I found in your cupboards. Some of them hadn't even been opened. I thought it might make it a bit nicer."

"Well, it's great, oh my god!" Clint moaned with a mouth full of food. Pietro giggle softly and began to eat his own food, feeling rather proud of himself for making Clint so happy.

The TV filled the comfortable silence between the two men, playing softly as they both ate. Their thighs pressed together but neither said anything.

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now