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Pietro woke up alone and confused. It took him only a moment to realise where he was and what had happened. The memories of it all quickly rushed into his head and his face flushed as he remembered the proximity between the two. He quickly pushed the thought away and sat up slowly, stretching out his muscles and glancing around the room to try and find a clock. There was a small one on the bedside table next to the bed which told him the time was about 6 o'clock. They had probably gotten back from shopping around 3, so Pietro came to the conclusion he had been asleep for about two and a half hours give or take. He frowned to himself before twisting his body and sliding off of the bed. He stretched again before glancing around again and headed towards the door. Upon opening it the boy stopped, listening for a moment. There was the faint sound of voices and then laughter which told Pietro that Clint was most likely watching the TV. The Sokovian bit his lip softly before making his way down the hallway towards the living room area.

Clint was sitting on the sofa, Lucky laying next to him with her head in his lap, eyes on the TV but most likely not really taking in what was happening. As Pietro walked into the living room the old dog lifted her head and barked at the boy. Pietro jumped and bit his lip, stopping in the doorway. Clint looked up and smiled softly when he saw the other standing there.

"Hey... You're awake." He said and shuffled on the sofa slightly, patting the space next to him invitingly. Pietro hesitated before walking over slowly and sitting down on the other side of Clint. "You feeling any better?" The brunet modded.

"Yes. Thank you, for uh..." He trailed off, gesturing with his hands as he didn't know what to say. Clint gave a small smirk at the Sokovian who currently looked like a flapping fish.

"Yeah, no problem. Just trying to help." He shrugged, taking pity on the kid. Pietro sighed a little and nodded, giving a shy smile towards the blond. Clint gave a big smile and patted the brunet's shoulder gently. He then turned back to the TV and continued watching the old episode of Friends that was currently playing. Pietro watched Clint for a moment, studying him. He noted the creases by his eyes when he laughed and the dimples of his bright smile. He looked so carefree and happy. It brought a small smile to Pietro's face at seeing the other man smiling and it made him think about how lucky he was. He didn't know how he would ever be able to thank Pietro enough, but he would find a way. He had to.

After a couple of episodes, Clint muted the show to stop the sound and started riffling through the random papers and leaflets on his coffee table.

"So what do you fancy?" He asked the young Sokovian, not taking his eyes away from the table as he seemingly searched for something. Pietro looked over at the blond and rose his brow in confusion.

"What?" Clint paused and glanced up at the other, a small smirk on his face.

"For food, what do you want? I'm gonna order takeout." He explained before then going back to looking through all of the papers, soon finding a couple of take-away menus and pulling them out. The brunet stared down at the papers in his hand, not remembering the last time he had a takeaway.

"I, uh... I don't really mind. I'm not fussy." Pietro decided to say. He didn't really 'fancy' anything in particular, and he didn't want to choose anything just to find out it was the most expensive, therefore making Clint spend more money than necessary. The blond nodded and looked through the menus before pulling out a Chinese takeout menu. He glanced over it for a second before setting the others down again on the table.

"Okay then, Chinese it is." Pietro nodded numbly and shuffled on the sofa, leaning back to watch the other open up the menu and flick through it swiftly to find the section he wanted. The Sokovian stayed silent as Clint searched for his order and occasionally glanced over at Lucky who was now sleeping soundly in her doggy bed just outside the kitchen area against the wall. "Did you want me to just order something for you or do you want to choose?" Pietro jumped a little at his words, replying that he didn't mind. He nodded again and watched as he found something in the menu before then quickly calling the number and placing the order.

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now