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Clint chuckled as he entered his apartment, a dripping wet Pietro following behind with a pout pulling at his lips. 

"Come on, it's not that bad." The blond teased as he made his way through the small hallway into the main area of the apartment. Lucky bounced up at the sound of her owner's voice, instantly jumping around his feet. Clint only laughed and took out some leftover meat he had taken from the cafe from his pocket. He unwrapped the cling film and poured the various types of meat pieces over the floor when the Labrador happily lapped up the gift. 

"Clint, I sprayed myself in the face like... one hundred times. It's bad." The Sokovian sighed heavily as he stood in the hallway, water dripping on to the floor from his soaked sweatshirt and jeans. He had cleaned all of the dishes and cups he was given well and at a reasonable pace, but as a consequence, he had sprayed himself with the weird shower head multiple times. The sleeves of his sweater were soaked with soapy water from where they kept falling down during the cleaning process, and his shoes felt squishy with water from standing in a puddle all day. Sam hadn't even bothered to help whatsoever and only laughed at the other male mercilessly. 

"Yeah, but Fury paid you upfront for hiring you on such short notice. $62 is a decent amount of money." Clint stated as he pulled his jacket from his arms and tossed it on the back of a chair at his 'dining table', which was a fold-out table that could barely fit two plates situated by his window next to the kitchenette. "Plus, you now have a proper job." He added, grabbing a clean mug from the cupboard to make himself a cup of coffee. Pietro thought Clint would be sick of coffee since he worked around it all day, but apparently not. 

"It's only temporary." Pietro pointed out, tugging at the front of his sweatshirt as he stuck to his stomach. grimacing at the feeling. 

"Yeah, but if you do your job well you'll get to keep it. It's only a temp because he needs to make sure you can do it properly without any previous experience." Clint shrugged his shoulders as he set his pot to boil and turned around. He leaned back against the countertop, picking at a coffee stain on his jeans, realising it wasn't going to come off unless he washed them properly. "Now get changed, you're dripping everywhere." He gestured to the brunet's soaked form with a smirk. Pietro only gave a pointed glare before turning to scuffle towards his bedroom. 

By the time he came back with a fresh pair of sweats on and a dry shirt, Clint was sat in front of the TV with his coffee ordering what he assumed was food on the phone. Pietro silently walked over and sat down on the sofa beside the older male, giving Lucky a gentle fuss as she lifted her head in a silent beg for attention. He would be lying if he said the dog wasn't slowly beginning to grow on him. Just a little. 

Clint put the phone down and smiled over at the Sokovian, slumping back into the sofa. "Alright, pizza is ordered, my treat as a celebration for your new job." He grinned and reached over to ruffle Pietro's dark locks as the other pulled away with a soft giggled, swatting at the offending hand. Clint only continued to smile, chuckling softly as the younger male shuffled over. With only a small amount of hesitance, Pietro leaning into the blond, letting his head fall against the other's surprisingly firm chest while his arm snaked its way around Clint's stomach in a half-hug.  Clint felt his heart swell in his chest as he wrapped his arm around the brunet, his fingers tracing gentle patterns over the other's back over the material of the shirt. 

"So, Pietro," The older male started, his attention now back on the TV but his focus on the boy currently curled into his side. He received a hum in response to show he had the attention of the other male. "What're you gonna do with your first bit of hard-earned money?" He asked, briefly glancing down at Pietro before looking back up at the TV to see the cartoon sponge run around with a net in his hand. 

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now