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When they got inside the apartment, Lucky instantly attacked Clint with love and kisses who protected Pietro as he told him to go into the bedroom to put his new clothes away. The Sokovian quickly agreed and went to the guest room, maybe a little too quickly but he couldn't hold it anymore. He needed to break down.

He walked into the room, shutting the door a little harshly without thinking as he dropped the clothes on to the floor, barely making it to the bed before he collapsed in a heap of sobs and tears. He curled up, gripping on to the sheets as he let them absorb his tears and muffle his gasps and shaky sobs. The image kept flashing through his mind again. How skinny he was, his sunken face, his disgusting scar covered body. He hated it, he hated how.. weak he looked. How weak he felt. His sobs became harsher and soon he found himself unable to breathe through his cry. It didn't really help when his face was buried into the sheets but he couldn't bring himself to move.

He didn't know how long he had sat there and cried, but it must have been at least long enough to make Clint start to worry. After all, he had only told him to go put his clothes away. Pietro had calmed down enough to hear the door open and soon enough he felt the bed dip under the new weight beside him. He sniffled into the sheets and refused to look up. He didn't want Clint to see him in such a state... Then again he had already seen him looking like a hobo and he didn't think there could be anything worse than that. Pietro felt himself begin to sob again at the thought but kept them in causing his body to shake as he started to cry all over again.

Clint didn't say a word as he placed his hand on the brunet's back and started to rub it gently in comforting circles. The feeling only made Pietro cry harder as he was soon back into the vicious cycle of sobbing to the point he couldn't breathe, gasping into the sheets only to start sobbing again and lose his breath. After a few seconds, he felt himself being lifted as Clint pulled the poor boy into a sitting position, holding him up as the crying Sokovian hid his face in his hands to avoid letting the other see it. It took another few minutes before Pietro finally calmed down to only a few sniffles and the occasional hiccup.

His tears had stopped almost completely now as he felt himself lean into Clint's comforting embrace. They rocked softly as the blond waited for the younger of the two to get out whatever he needed to, holding him gently. Lucky had come into the room to see what the fuss was about but was quickly shooed out when her owner remembers their guest's slight fear of dogs.

After another minute, Pietro gathered the strength to pull back from Clint despite wanting to stay there for the rest of his life. He kept his head down as he stared at his lap, fiddling with his hands after wiping his face with his sleeves. It was at least another minute before the silence was broken.

"Are you okay?" Clint asked, staring at Pietro with concern. He tried to figure out what could've brought this on, only to come up with no ideas. As he thought back Pietro did seem a little off after they left the store. Did something happen while they were there?

Pietro gave a weak and silent nod to the question, not trusting his voice to say anything quite yet. Clint frowned and looked over the young boy. Well, he wasn't hurt at least. "What happened...?" He asked quietly, tilting his head a little to try and look at Pietro's face. The other looked away though, biting his lip as he tried to figure out what to say. He didn't know how to explain it to Clint.

"It's nothing..." He sighed, looking back at his lap. He heard Clint huff an unamused laugh and felt him lean back on the bed.

"It's not nothing if you've been crying like the way you have. So come on, spill." He said, and how tone suggested he wasn't in the mood for any shit. Pietro bit his lip harder before deciding not to test the older man. He had been so kind and it was only fair he gave him the truth.

"I... It's just that..." His voice shook as he spoke so he took a deep breath before trying again, "I saw myself... In the reflection in the changing room..." He started, risking a glance up at Clint through his hair as the other continued to stare at him expectantly. "I didn't... I never realised how... badly living on the streets affected me. I know I lost the weight but.. but what I saw in that mirror, it wasn't me... I looked so sick and weak and I guess the sudden reality hit me... I suppose I just sort of broke down... I'm sorry for doing that..." He said quietly, his voice shaking as he spoke. He stared at his lap, waiting for Clint to laugh at him, call him stupid, maybe even kick him out. Instead, the blond pulled him into a tight hug, practically pulling him into his lap.

"Pietro... You should've just said something to me, I couldn't help you instead of letting you sit in here and cry like that..." He then sighed and Pietro felt his chin rub against the top of his head as the older shook his head. "I'm sorry you have to go through this... But it's over now and I'll help you feel stronger again... But know this... Not many kids can survive what you went through... To be kicked out of your home at such a young age and to stay there for four years... You have to be pretty strong to handle that... You survived something horrible and that makes you very strong, at least in my eyes. You are definitely not weak." He said softly and somehow his fingers had found Pietro's brown hair and started to play with it gently. Pietro felt himself smile sadly and only nod at Clint's words, letting himself relax into the warmth surrounding him. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep in the blond's arms, a hand still in his hair as Clint smiled gently at the young boy in his arms. Placing a kiss on his head, he tucked him under the covers and left the room to let him rest.

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