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Clint had messaged Tony later in the evening after they got back home. Pietro had fallen asleep pretty quickly once they had gotten settled in for the night so Clint took the opportunity to message his friend, not yet tired himself. 

Pietro was happily buried under the covers, his head resting on the blond's stomach as he slept peacefully. Clint was sat up resting against the headboard, his phone resting in his hand and the only light in the room aside from the small beam that came from the still slightly opened door.

It wasn't that late so Clint knew Tony would still be up. It was only about 10 at night by the time the two came back from dinner and got settled in for the night. Tony was up working late in his office while Steve was asleep, apparently, trying to work through a bug in some sort of computer his company was making. He had decided to make some small talk before bringing up the inevitable.

"so, i wanted to ask you something"

"what is it? "

"if its to sneak you a new phone from the company the answer is no"

"i can buy myself a phone tony fuck off"

"pietro wants to meet you"

Clint couldn't have cringed more as he sent the message. Sure, he wanted Tony to meet Pietro. Tony was like family to him and Pietro meant a lot, but he knew his robot obsessed friend could be very overbearing at times, especially to someone like Pietro and he didn't want the Sokovian to ever feel scared or uncomfortable as long as he could help it.

"okay great." 

"steve has been excited to meet the guy" 

"pete wants to meet his new uncle too" 

Clint smiled at that. He missed Peter and probably hadn't seen the guy since Christmas time. Man, he really needed to work on visiting his friends more often. He couldn't even remember the last time he had hung out with Nat or Sam outside of work.

"yeah well we're free next weekend"

"as long as you promise not to scar my boyfriend then ill bring him over"

"pls im a delight"

"Tony i'm being serious. 

"Pietro is really nervous around new people so you cant be an asshole to him."

It took Tony a few minutes to reply. 

"alright i'll be nice to your bf chill"

"besides steve will be upset if im mean"

"i dont like it when stevie is upset"

"yeah, yeah whatever."

"anyway steve is awake and whining"

"he wants attention gtg" 

Clint chuckled quietly to himself, pausing as he felt shuffling again his abdomen. He looked down to see Pietro still sleeping peacefully, silver strands falling into his eyes, lips parted as he breathed softly and slowly, calm and relaxed in this state. Clint wished he could see this type of relaxed look on Pietro's face when he was awake and not just asleep. He wished he could just kiss away all of those bad feelings, make Pietro happy, make him forget everything. 

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