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The rest of the week went by nicely. For the most part.

Clint went to work as normal and came home to a happy Pietro cooking him food. Then the evenings were spent watching TV and relaxing while the pair cuddled under a blanket. Not much had changed between the pair; Pietro never initiated anything but never retracted from Clint when he made a move. The two never went further than small pecks on the lip and Clint never pushed the nervous boy into anything he didn't want to do.

Come Wednesday, Clint slept in late as it was his day off. Pietro was up early, unable to sleep and with Lucky whining, for food he had gotten up to feed her.

The brunet had fed the dog and then got working on some pancakes. Apparently, Clint had quite a few cookbooks, however, almost all of them had seemed untouched. While looking around out of boredom he had found them in the cupboard and decided to look for simple recipes. Hence the pancakes.

It was around 11 when Clint finally crawled out of bed. Pietro was still cooking the pancakes, a few already made on a plate next to him. Clint smiled at the sight of Pietro who currently had his back turned and was unaware of the other's presence. The blond quietly walked up to the younger male, a smile on his lips as he carefully and slowly placed his hands on Pietro's hips. The brunet jumped but soon smiled and relaxed a little, leaning into the body behind him tentatively.

"Morning," Clint mumbled in his deeper morning voice. Pietro gave an awkward smile and served up another pancake.

"Morning. I've made you some pancakes." He gestured over to the stack of made pancakes to his left and felt Clint nod before then moving to grab some pancakes. Pietro watched with tired eyes before going back to using up the rest of the mix to make more pancakes. Clint grabbed a pancake from top of the stack and groaned in delight at the taste.

"You really need to take up a profession in cooking," Clint mumbled around his hand chewed food, before then looking over at the slowly cooking pancake mix. "How do you even know how to make pancakes?" Pietro pointed over to the small stack of cookbooks. Clint blinked in shock and turned back to the Sokovian as he flipped the pancake. "I didn't even know I had cookbooks..." Pietro plated up another pancake, yawning as he did.

"I found them the other day and thought I'd give a few simple recipes a try." The brunet poured some more mix into the pan, unaware of the concerned stare being given by the other male.

Clint bit off a piece of his pancake as he stared at the younger male. It was then he noticed the dark bags under his eyes that had grown worse over the week. He said nothing though, deciding to leave the boy be for now.

The two ate their pancakes in silence and drank their coffee too, standing close enough to touch shoulders but nothing else.

Once breakfast was done, Pietro cleaned up while Clint made a list of what was needed. The kitchen was looking empty and with Pietro now taking up cooking Clint thought it would be best to get some more supplies in.

"So do you wanna tag along or stay here?" Clint asked as he pulled his arms through his jacket, letting it fall over his shoulders, "I'll let you pick out some food you want to try?" Pietro opened his mouth to respond, however instead of words and huge yawn broke out of him. Clint gave a small frown as he zipped him his jacket. "Maybe you should stay here and nap actually. You look kinda tired." Pietro shook his head, giving a weary smile.

"No, I want to come.." Pietro stifled another yawn, a faint blush covering his cheeks. Clint's frown deepened and he shook his head.

"Nope! I've decided! You are going to stay and you are going to sleep for as long as you need." Clint then grabbed the younger's shoulders and guided him over to the sofa. He pushed Pietro down so he was sat and then threw a blanket carelessly over the brunette with a chuckle. Pietro huffed and pulled the blanket from his face, placing it on his lap.

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now