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Christmas was right around the corner, they were currently sitting in the third week of December. The apartment was already decorated with tacky tinsel and bright baubles; the tree stood over by the window with blues and purples sprinkled over the branches and warm white lights wrapped around which illuminated the apartment in a comforting glow at night. The majority of the presents had been wrapped, all currently sat in bags ready for Christmas day. They had all decided to celebrate at the Roger-Stark residence as their apartment was the biggest one. 

And so with the holiday so close, Clint had devised a plan. He was going to tell Pietro that he loved him on Christmas day with the perfect present. The timing was brilliant, they had met during the first week of last December, Pietro had moved in during early February. Therefore Christmas would mark over a year since they had met and almost a year since their relationship began to grow. It was the perfect time for Clint to admit that he loved Pietro and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. 

"Pietro, you ready?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." Pietro emerged from the bedroom, tugging down on his sweater as he wandered to the coat rack. "You sound like a nagging old man, relax. We have ages until the stores close." He shrugged on his coat and leaned over to plant a kiss on Clint's cheek as the man grumbled. Clint had made an appointment for his special present for Pietro and the last thing he wanted was to be late or even miss it. But of course, Pietro didn't know, and he planned to keep it that way.

"I just want to make sure we don't miss out on all of the good stuff, that's all."

"Uh-huh, sure thing." Pietro chuckled as he zipped up his coat in preparation for heading out into the winter weather. Outside thick snowflakes were falling from the sky; it had been snowing most of the night so there was already a thick blanket covering the ground. The ice was minimal for now but the snow continued to fall from heavy looking clouds, slow but heavy.

The two locked up after saying goodbye to the furballs, making sure there was nothing they could get into to cause any trouble. With that, they set out and headed into the town, hats on and gloves on as they wandered hand in hand, huddled together to stay warm.

The town was nice; the lights were on despite being day-time and they sparkled, reflecting off of the snow lying across the roofs of the stores and the ground. The store windows were filled with signs of red and green, Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes. Everywhere was glowing with joy as the speakers played smooth Christmas music and stalls lined the streets selling hot chocolate, egg nog and all sorts of delicious Christmas foodie goods.

"So what's on the list, old-man?"

Clint chose to ignore the newfound nickname and pulled out the piece of paper folded in his pocket.

"Well there's some final little pieces we need to pick up, a toy for Peter and we need to get that book for Bucky. After that, we need to grab that whiskey I ordered for Nat, and some food shopping for that special pudding you wanted to make for after Christmas dinner."

"Oh! I almost forgot- here, I will go and grab the ingredients for my pudding, you're useless with food shopping and if we split up we can grab everything quicker?" Pietro suggested, leaning over to look at the list in his boyfriend's hand. "I can also grab the whiskey, the stores are close together."

Clint opened his mouth to respond; he wanted to stick together, spend time with Pietro, but then, "Yeah, great idea," It was the perfect opportunity to go and grab Pietro's present without raising any suspicion, "We can meet back here in, say, half-hour? Then we can go grab some hot chocolate."

Pietro grinned, took the list and tore it along a folded-line to separate the list into his shopping and Clint's. He handed over the top off and gave Clint a soft peck on the lips, "We have a deal. I'll see you in half an hour," And with that Pietro ran off, excited to see the town, see the different displays while he grabbed the last few bits he needed before he could finally celebrate his first Christmas with his new family.

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