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(A/N: Just a quick note, I've done some research and it turns out that Lucky the Pizza Dog is actually male. In hindsight, I should have done some quick Googling before I introduced Lucky. I'll eventually go through the book and change all of the pronouns, but for now, all I can do is apologise for the mistake. ^^ In the meanwhile, happy reading everyone!)

The next few days were slow for Pietro. Tony came by often with a few more supplies, checking up on the kitten and her progress. He also had some hushed conversations with Clint which Pietro was never allowed to hear; that was fine, the kitten needed him and he was too focused to really consider what the conversations were about. 

Daisy. That's what he decided to call her. When he had first held her again after he woke up, she had smelt fresh; fresh like a daisy, Clint had told him. Pietro was lost with the weird American phrase but decided that the name suited her with her bright white fur. 

She took a quick liking to Pietro and was slowly warming up to Clint. She didn't mind Tony, not that he was actively making an effort to get her to like him, and Lucky wasn't allowed near her for the time being. Daisy only cried and tried to escape whenever Lucky wanted to get to knew her, so they decided to take it slow. Incredibly slow.

It was day four now. Daisy was improving more and more every day so Pietro was happy, overall. 

It was early, Clint had left about an hour ago with Tony on some sort of secret mission. He had left some pancakes for Pietro to eat with a note explaining that he would be back at some point. Pietro ate breakfast and decided to spend his morning playing with Daisy, though he made sure not to leave out Lucky out. It was difficult but he managed fine. Lucky was a smart dog, he understood. 

It was later in the morning when Pietro heard a knock on the door. He frowned, lowering the cat toy to the floor where Daisy continued to swat at it with her tiny paws. Pietro climbed up from the floor and headed over to the door cautiously, brows furrowed. Clint wouldn't knock, Tony wouldn't either and he couldn't think of anyone else who would come by and visit. 

When he opened the door slowly he was surprised to see a familiar face. 

"Nat! What are you doing here?" He tilted his head curiously but side-stepped to let her inside. 

Natasha smiled, "What? Am I not allowed to visit you on your birthday?"

Pietro paused as the door swung shut behind him. Nat slipped off her boots, a clear indication that she wasn't just planning to stop by for a quick chat. It was then that Pietro noticed the gift bag in her hand, along with a pink envelope with his name on it.

"My... what?"

Nat turned to look at him, incredulous as she set the bag down on the coffee table. Lucky made his way over to greet her, avoiding the small kitten. He was always a lot calmer when he saw the cat around. Nat fussed his ears and scratched under his chin. 

"You really forgot your own birthday? It's all Clint has talked about in work." 

Pietro only felt more confused, "Clint hasn't mentioned anything to me about it. I... honestly didn't realise the date." He walked into the kitchen to make some coffee for both of them. 

Nat only gave an amused huff before she kneeled down, greeting Daisy quietly. 

Pietro walked back into the living room with two steaming mugs and set them down beside the gift bag. Natasha settled herself on the sofa, curling her legs up beside her. 

"Well, it's still your birthday." She reached over and picked up the shiny bag and dropped it into the Sokovian's lap. "Go on, open it. It's not much but I didn't really know what else to get you." 

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