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Pietro's trial lasted for a few weeks. He came to work on time every day, worked hard and slowly managed to get a handle on how to wash dished without spraying himself in the face. Fury could clearly see he was a hard worker, determined and despite some small slip-ups, he was a good worker. It didn't take long for Pietro to be informed he was now going to be under full-time employment, with a proper contract and a proper monthly pay. Clint had been ecstatic with the development. Pietro's contract meant he was working all of the same times as Clint, minus one day where Pietro had Sundays off as well since a part-time student was taking that shift. His job was still mainly dishwashing, but during one shift, Pietro could be moved around to serving the food, cleaning up the cafe or even manning the till (Which had been a scary experience when Pietro thought he had somehow broken the till before Nat came over and helped the poor guy out. Apparently, the drawer just got a little jammed and needed a little jiggle every once in a while.)

Pietro enjoyed his job a lot. Sometimes it was a little exhausting, and he quickly understood how Clint felt on those days when he would walk in from work and collapse on the sofa with an exasperated groan. Those days usually led to Pietro making some sort of fantastic meal while Clint unloaded his issues on the younger male, usually complaining about a particularly difficult customer.

It had been a week since Pietro had got the job, and it was currently Saturday. Both him and Clint had the day off; Clint had woken up much later than Pietro had and was greeted with a lovely breakfast consisting of waffles and coffee. In reality, it should have been more of a brunch with the time Clint had actually arisen from his bed, but Pietro knew Clint didn't like big meals when he had just woken up and had decided that he would make sure to cook something a little bigger for dinner to make up for it. 

That was, until, Clint had decided on something else to do for dinner. 

"Hey, Pietro?" He called, currently sat on the sofa, Lucky beside him as tugged at a multicoloured rope that the dog was holding onto tightly with her teeth, occasionally growling with the effort of tugging back. They had just finished their breakfast and Pietro had shooed the other out of the kitchen space to do the dishes, despite Clint's complaints. 

Pietro hummed in response, hands working effortlessly with the dishes and the cloth. He had started doing the dishes more and more over the time he had been staying with Clint, claiming it made him feel better about the older male letting him stay with him in the first place. Even though it was no longer about Clint helping out a homeless man and it was now about Clint wanting to keep the other around because he enjoyed it, Pietro still felt the need to prove himself thankful and not a burden. Clint decided to stop trying to change the other male's thoughts, he didn't think it would ever work. 

"We haven't properly celebrated you getting the job." The blond said, seemingly more focused on the dog than his boyfriend as he tugged the rope a little harder, causing Lucky to jerk forward a little bit to not give up her precious toy. 

Pietro paused in the middle of wiping down Clint's favourite mug and glanced over at the blond sat on the couch. He didn't say anything to allow the man to continue. 

"We should go out tonight. Like, you know... To a restaurant or something and have a nice meal, my treat." Clint turned his head now to look at the Sokovian in his kitchen. The younger male blinked at the suggestion, taking a moment to consider whether or not it would be something he would enjoy. 

"You mean... like a date?" Pietro asked curiously, his head tilting a little as he set the glass down on the counter to put away later. That caused Clint's cheeks to turn ever so slightly pink. 

"I mean... I guess you could think of it like that?" Clint looked back down at the dog that had no managed to fit half of herself into his lap, the rope pressing into his thigh as she chewed on it. He let it go, deciding to just let her play by herself. "Sure, it's a date. So what do you say?" He turned his head to look back up at the brunet who had no returned to the dishes. His face was hidden so Clint missed the growing pink dusting over his cheeks and ears. 

A Saviour At Last (Hawksilver/Marvel AU)Where stories live. Discover now