Chapter 31

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Ariel's pov

I let the tear fall down my cheek, I didn't bother wiping it away. There would be more tears after that one that would be harder to stop.

I walked through the empty house that I've lived in for 12 years, trying to remember happy things about it.

There was nothing happy about this house though, the only memories I had were of my father drinking himself to sleep every night.

I stopped in a doorway, resting my hand on the door frame and looking inside.

The walls had paint peeled off of them from the old posters that were hung up before, the lightbulb had long since blew out and had never been replaced so the only light coming in was from the almost painted window.

I stepped inside the room, walking slowly, avoiding all the scratches made on the floor and opened the closet door.

A sad smile pulled at my lips when my fingers traced over the words I had scratched into the back of the door when I was 9 years old.

I am a survivor.

At that age I probably didn't even know what the word meant, but being 18 now and looking back on those words, I finally recognized the truth.

I am a survivor.
I looked around the kitchen again, making sure we weren't forgetting anything.

A piece of paper under the fridge caught my attention and I picked it up, smoothing out the crumples so I could read the writing.


I looked up at Dean, who was standing near the entrance of the kitchen.

"What's that?" He came closer, reading off of the messed up paper that was in my hands.

"The note I got from your teacher." I chuckled a little bit. "I never did go see her about your grades."

Dean smiled slightly but the smile disappeared as he looked around the kitchen.

"They're all outside."

I nodded, crumpling up the paper again and tossing it into the garbage can.

"Let's go."

We walked outside, looking at all of our uncles, aunts, and cousins.

The whole saying goodbye thing was a blur, I tried to block it all out so I wouldn't cry, but I cried a lot.

"You ready?" Andy asked me, opening the car door for me and Dean so he could take us to the airport.

"I think so." I looked down at Dean who was already looking up at me and smiled.

Patty also joined in on the ride, I leaned my head on his shoulder and got used to the feeling of his fingers being entwined with mine.

The wait at the airport felt like seconds before our flight was called and we had to say goodbye to our real aunt and uncle.

"Goodbye Andy." I hugged the gazelle tightly, kissing his cheek before I let him go.

"Have fun little one." He tried to hold back his tears. "Come back for holidays, and don't forget to keep in touch."

I nodded, looking at Hadley next who wasn't being shy about crying.

"I'm going to miss you so much Ariel." She wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"This isn't goodbye forever aunt Hadley." I rubbed her back. "I'm going to be back soon."

She pulled away, sniffling and wiping her tears.

"I know that." She sniffled again. "But I'm still sad."

The flight that we were on was called again, making Hadley start crying again.

"Go Ari." Andy said, putting his arm around his wife. "Or you'll miss it."

I nodded, turning around and looking at Patty who couldn't stop staring at the ground.

"You can come."

He shook his head, shoving his hands further into his pockets.

"I need to stay here for a while." He let out a breath, lifting his head but not looking at me. "Go to school, I'm thinking of becoming a therapist."

I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his body closer to mine.

"If that's what you need to do than do it." I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his head fit between my neck and my shoulder. "You'll do great things Patty." I whispered, smoothing down his blue hair. "I believe in you." I moved away from him, leaning in again to press a small kiss on the corner of his lips. "Goodbye Patty."

Patty stood back with Hadley and Andy, watching with tears in his eyes as I got my ticket checked.

"Here you go." The person handed me back my ticket and gestured for me to go through.
I turned back, smiling sadly at the 3 people we were leaving behind and waved, turning back around and following my brother down the hallway that led to the plane.

That's it, this is the last chapter of this story. It was a whole rollercoaster of emotions and a lot of feels but I'm happy with how this one turned out and I really hope you all liked this story. But that's it. This story is finished!
Bye bye readers, see you in another story maybe. :)

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