Chapter 8

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"I can tell something is bothering you Ariel." Heather stated as we sat in silence for the first 5 minutes of our session. I stayed quiet, making her believe that there was a problem. "Is it about your dad." My answer was again, silence. "Talk to me Ariel, I can get you help." She reached across her desk and put her hand gently on my knee in a motherly sort of way. "I can get him put away for a long long time." As those words came out of her mouth I felt my anger build up even more. It's been building since she died, and for 12 years I have kept it in. I couldn't stay angry anymore. I stood up, causing a shocked look to cross Heather's face.

"No!" I screamed. "I don't want any fucking help! I don't need your help! I don't need anybody's help!" I threw up my hands as I screamed. "This is a family matter, you are not apart of my family so why do you feel the need to fucking come into my life and think that you're helping by offering to get my father thrown in jail!" I could feel the heat rising to my face. "I only have one year left until I can leave that house, this town, and this fucking country so do me a favour and screw off!" I shouted at her. "I'm done!" I threw my hands in the air again. "Stay away from my father, stay away from my brother and stay away from me." I spat at her. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

"Ariel?" Carder called after me as I ran by, hot tears already streaming down my face. I shoved the door to the girls washroom open, scaring a couple of girls that came in here to fix there makeup. They ran out immediately but Mary pushed her way in, Dean following behind her. Dean wrapped his arms around me in a hug and I cried into his shoulder, letting out all my frustrations and anger that I've been holding in for the past 12 years.

Dean rubbed my back as I finally started to calm down. The last bell had rung, and it was time to go home. I quickly washed my face and redid my eyeliner to appear as I was not crying. After I thought I looked normal again I walked out with Dean and Mary. Carder stood out side and joined us as we started walking down the empty halls. None of them asked questions which I was happy about, I think I would start crying if I had to tell them what happened again. Andy and Hadley stood outside each standing in front of a different car.

"I'll take you 2 to get your stuff, while Hadley takes our kids home, cool?" Andy told us as we approached. I nodded and waved to Carder and Mary as they climbed into the other car. I got into to passenger side of Andy's car and we took off towards that house.

"We'll be quick." I told Andy as I opened the car door.

"Take your time, but hurry up." He stated to me. I rolled my eyes and shut the door, meeting Dean at the ffront door.

"Well, hopefully he's passed out." I muttered, opening the door quietly. We tiptoed up the stairs and went to our separate rooms. I packed a duffle bag full of clothes, my electronics, hair supplies and makeup. As I rushed around my room I picked up the important stuff, like the baggy sweatshirt I've had since I was 4. She gave it to me before she died, and it still fits me. I also grabbed my journal, the necklace Hadley gave me on my 13th birthday and a Teddy bear that I got from my Father when I was 2 I think. The floor creaked as I made my way to Dean's room to see if he was finished. There was a groan from one of the spare rooms but other than that, nothing. I tried my hardest not to make any noise as I finally reached Dean's room. He opened the door as I knocked lightly, and let me in. I helped him grab some stuff and shoved a few thing of his into my bag since his was to tiny. "Ready?" I whispered. He nodded and we started tiptoeing out of the room and to the stairs.

"POLICE!" The door got kicked open and a dozen men in police uniforms ran in and started searching. 3 men ran up the stairs and pushed us to the sside, kicking in each door and looking inside before yelling clear and moving on.

"What's happening?" I screamed, looking down at the first floor where the police men where ruining everything.

"We got him!" 2 police officers dragged my dad out of the room he was passed out in and down the stairs. The 3rd officer that wwas up here took us both and got up both to go downstairs with him.

"Anthony Ryan Colt." (A/N I'm nothing sure I gave him a middle name or nah, so I'm just gonna go with Ryan) "You are under arrest, anything you say and ccan be used against you in the court of law..." I didn't hear the rest of it, I glared at tthe door where Heather had just walked in.

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