Chapter 28

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Ariel's POV

I only wish I could see you when you walk across that stage to accept your ticket out of high school.

I wish that you get into the college of your dreams, and if you didn't want to go to college, than I hope you get the job of your dreams.

I love you so much daughter of mine.


I finished reading the letter in my hands, gently rubbing the corner of the paper between my fingers.

"Ari!!!!" Patty burst into the room, a black and blue stripped tie hung untied around his neck. "Can you tie this?"

I nodded, setting the papers down near the stack of unopened letters on the desk.

I grabbed the tie from him and started to tie it while it was around my neck, than I handed it back to him when the knot was tight enough.

"Ready to graduate?"

I shrugged, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, because after graduation, my 18th birthday was only a week away.

I smoothed out I was wearing and walked back over to my bed, folding the pages carefully and putting them back in the envelope.

"What did it say?" Patty asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Just that she wishes she could be here, and she hopes I go to college or get a good job." I said, wrapping the elastic band back around the stack of envelopes to hold them together. "Where's Dean?"

"He's upstairs with Kim, she's trying to get him to wear a tie."

I snorted, knowing my brother would never wear a tie to anything.

" ready?" Patty asked me.

I nodded, grabbing the other things I needed for today.

Patty and I walked upstairs together in silence, we were both nervous about how today was going to blow over.

"Look at you two." Kim rushed over to us, straightening out Patty's tie and playing with my hit.

I stood still, not breathing until she stepped away from me.

"I just wish you would have normal hair colours for this day."

I reached up and wrapped a piece of the bright red hair that was attached to my head around my finger.

Patty was scratching his head, messing up his blue hair even more.

Dean walked up to me with a small smile tugging at his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I hugged him back, my arms swung over his shoulders.

"Only a little longer, okay?" I whispered to him. I just felt him nod, still in the embrace.

We pulled apart and I messed up his hair, sticking my tounge out at him when he reached up to go fix it.

"Alright lets go." Kim said excitedly. "We don't want to be late."

***Time skip just cause I can***

"Ariel Colt."

I walked up the steps and across the stage, shaking hands with people I didn't know and accepted the diploma from the principal.

I heard the cheers of my uncles as I stepped off the stage, I waved to them as I passed then sat back in my seat.

I had people I didn't know on either side of me, Patty was near the end since his last name started with an R.

There were so many names being called and people walking across the stage, I lost count at what letter we were at until Patty was called up.

"Patrick Ross."

I clapped for him as he walked across the stage. His blue hair clashed with the Purple and Yellow robes we had to wear but he didn't care.

After the ceremony, Dean and I met up with our uncles who were all smiling from ear to ear.

"She would be proud." Andy told me, his eyes brimming with tears. "So would your dad."

I shrugged, really not wanting to talk about my parents right now.

"They didn't say where you were going to college." Beck spoke up, pulling the attention from the other guys. "Are you going to a college?"

"No I'm not." I said, wiping my palms on my jeans. "Dean and I are moving back to Canada."

None of the boys moved or spoke after I said that.

"I thought you knew that..." My voice trailed off, seeing all the shocked and devastated faces of my uncles.

"We thought that plan went out the window when Tony went to jail." Andy spoke first, a mix of emotions in his voice.

"That doesn't mean I'm staying here."

Dean stepped closer to me, grabbing my hand quickly.

I looked down at him, asking him silently if he still wanted to go with me.

He nodded slightly, answering the question.

"We're still going back home." I looked back at my uncles. "Whether you want us to or not."

I put this at the end cause I know most people don't read these. I'll to put this as nicely as possible but in person I'm not very nice so I don't know how nice this will be. A lot of you have been commenting, saying that you want me to update more often, and I like that you comment but that's one of my pet peeves (I'm trying to be nice) I really don't like when I just post a new chapter and the first comment is someone saying 'please update.' I also find that to be kind of rude to the author. Also, I know you want me to update more often, I want that too, bug there is a limited time space in the day that I can actually write my stories. It was a lot easier to write when I was still in middle school but I'm in high-school now and it makes things a lot harder. I spend 7 hours at school, and when I get home I spend at most 2 hours doing homework and after that I have almost 4 hours of dance a night, so my schedule makes it hard for my to write and post long chapters every other day. I'm sorry that this is a long note and it may be rude to some people but I needed to say this, and I really hope I don't lose readers over this, cause I love you guys and I really like when you guys comment but saying 'please update' won't make me update

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