chapter 2

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We spent that week in May watching movies, letting Lucas show us around where he grew up, talking. However the week was over to soon and Riley and Lucas were taking Farkle and I to the airport. Riley and I were going to be roommates at NYU so the last thing she told me was "move whatever you can. If you don't have time for all of it don't worry just let me know what's left" I nodded in assent thanks Riles. I looked to Lucas and she began saying goodbye to Farkle as I told Lucas bye "I'll see you July 3rd" he smiled and Tipped his imaginary cowboy hat at me as he replied. "I certainly can't wait for it ma'am" I pretended to shudder but couldn't help the smile that made it to my face. Farkle and I boarded the flight and made small talk until we were about halfway home. He eventually sighed and voiced the thing that all of us had been avoiding saying since Lucas had told us about his father "Nothing is any different than before but things will be very different from now on won't they?" I nodded "it does feel that way" "guess we will just have to see what happens" he put a brotherly arm around me, much as he had in Texas and I laid my head on his shoulder as he spoke again "I don't want to lose the way things were with all of us" "things changing doesn't necessarily mean we will lose each other" he was silent and I knew he had a feeling that we would never be as close a group as we were. I had to admit that the future had begun to feel uncertain to me as well.

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