Chapter 6

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Lucas' POV
"so how is having Maya in Texas?." Farkle's voice carried through the phone. "great" but my voice was a little to high to believe. he laughed. "So the endless country mocking torture has finally almost done you in huh?" I frowned " Not exactly." his tone was sharp as he answered. "what did you do?" My tone was flabbergasted and i answered '" i told her the truth about staying here!" "and?" his tone was quiet and cautious now. " She went up to her room and hasn't came down in three days."have you tried going into the room forcing her to talk to you?" i felt my temper snap "no genius" my tone was dark and sarcastic."the door is locked, i tried talking through the door but she said nothing." what did you expect from her? you guys have been avoiding your feelings for years and now you're just leaving? Did you want her to be happy about it?" "no but ..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. i tried again. "Shes never blocked me out like this though." "if you care about her give her time. if she cares about you, which she does, she will come to you." " you're sure?" I asked."of course. Now I am coming to Texas tomorrow and staying for a few days. Don't do anything you will regret before then. I will help you while I am there." "Thank you, Farkle" "anytime. hey i had better get off of here." "alright. Talk to you tomorrow." "Sounds good, see you then." and we hung up. I got up to fix myself dinner. I sat on the couch in the living room, watching movies and reading. My eyes drifted to the locked door upstairs every few seconds. I gave up hope of its opening around midnight and went up to my room. I woke up around 10 and got ready for the day but before I could recommence project pretend-I'm-busy-while-actually-watching-for-the-door-to-Maya's-room-to-open there was a knock on the front door. I opened it to reveal a smiling zay. "I heard Maya is in town and thought the three of us could go do something." "She's busy" I answered matter of factly. "but I have to leave to pick Farkle up at the airport in like 2 hours." I said this pulling out my phone and seeing the time was noon. "The three of us could do something." I finished my thought. "Okay...?" He answered uncertainly sensing there was more to my brief explanation of Maya not joining us. We went outside and walked around the farm to kill time. He helped me feed the animals. We then checked on my dad to see if he needed anything. He seemed to be doing a lot better in recent days. He had asked us to go to the store and pick up groceries. After putting them away we left to pick up Farkle. "Hey, guys." Farkle said excitedly.. "Hey" Zay and I greeted in unison. We helped him load his luggage into the trunk of the car and headed back to the house. Zay and I sat in the living room while Farkle unpacked. After a bit he came back down. "nice of you not to take my mattress out of your room." I laughed. Farkle and I were roommates when he was here. My room was tiny and so the two mattresses barely fit in there "of course buddy" Zay spoke next with one of his usual outbursts "I'm hungry" "me to!" Farkle responded. By the time we got done eating it was dark out. We sat in the unstarted car "what do you want to do?" I asked. "You remember when we would spend our weekends with pappy Jo?" I smiled now full of exhilaration. "On it!" I started the car and punched the gas. "What're we doing?" Farkle asked confused. "You'll see" I replied. After About 10 minutes I seen the sign I was looking for it said "city limits" "ready?" I asked zay "born ready" "go!" I answered and he hit go on the stop watch on his phone. I hit the gas twice as hard as I had earlier and we went flying. Farkle began hyperventilating in the back seat and Zay made conversation to calm him down. "When we were kids pappy jo would bring us out here to this little town and try and break his record time for a lap around it." I piped up now "as we got older he'd let us drive. I hold the fastest time now" "no kidding" Farkle answered but zay and I were so caught up in the memories we hardly noticed "man, we were like kings back then." "Can't you get arrested for this?" I laughed "relax nobody lives here." "Actually there are a couple houses off that one street." "Oh yeah south Jackson street" zay then spoke again. "He would always cruise real slow down that street to show off his car" at the end of the night I had the best time, zay was a second behind me and Farkle even took a turn riding fifteen seconds slower then me. We got home and I was surprised to see someone sitting in the kitchen. A very familiar, petite, blonde haired blue eyed someone.

A/n- thank you guys so much for your patience hope you like the chapter! Please comment and vote! Also need your opinion on something for the next chapter would you guys like a Maya's pov version of this chapter or would you like me to just go on with the next part of the story?

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