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Maya's POV
Everyday was spent differently than the last. Some were adventurous, like the day we went to the amusement park.
We walked around the park hand in hand my free hand holding the stuffed animal Lucas had won for me and his free hand holding the cotton candy we were sharing. He swung our hands up, gesturing to a ride that was a kind of swing (it harnesses you in and takes you up about 80 feet before dropping you down swaying you from front to back) "look at that" Lucas observed. I smiled that ride was one of my favorites. "Want to ride it?" He paled a bit but nodded "you're scared of heights" it wasn't a question but he nodded anyways. I laughed "then don't put yourself through that. Come on we will find something else to do" I turned to walk away but he gripped my hand hard keeping us where we were. I raised my eyebrows, questioning him. "I want to ride it. Remember you ride your fears or they ride you" I nodded in remembrance. "Well that and I seen the look on your face when you seen the ride" his tone told me that that had been the real reason. "You really don't have to..." He cut me off "I want to" I smiled and we walked over to the line for the ride they called Geronimo. We stepped into the harnesses. The worker strapped us into them. "So which of you is pulling the rip cord?" Lucas and I exchanged a look that told me he wanted me to do it. "I am" she explained to me where it was and what to do "alright when you get to the top the workers on the ground will say" 3..2...1 Geronimo and then you'll pull it. Any questions? " we shook our heads and she sent us to the ride. The workers strapped us in and then turned us so we were laying straight out like Superman. We began floating up after about 30 seconds we heard "Alright you're up" I grabbed Lucas' hand to attempt to comfort him. I smiled reassuringly "3..2" "ready?" I asked he nodded. "1 Geronimo" I squeezed his hand and pulled the rip cord. Suddenly we were flying through the air. We were both screaming with excitement from the thrill and exhilaration . All to soon it was over. We stepped back on the ground and a huge grin was plastered across his face. "Thank you for doing that with me" he chuckled "anything for you. " I smiled "so was it that scary?" No. That was possibly the greatest thing I have ever done! " I smiled at him "that's why I love you, you know?" He said it casual and matter of fact even though it was the first time either of us had said that to the other. He continued "without you I would never do anything exciting and venture out of my comfort zone" I laughed "not true. And I love u to."

That One SummerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя