Beach day

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That summer was the best of my life. Even so, I had my favorite moments. My favorite was the day that Maya and I went to the beach. "Are we almost there?" Maya whined. I laughed "yes, bored?" She nodded "you're not very good company" she smirked. "I told you it was a 2 hour drive." She groaned at my response. We pulled into the parking spot and I got our blanket out of the trunk. We walked down by the water and sat down. It was about 5 o'clock. We watched the waves for about 15 minutes, when we heard music coming from the pier. She took my hand and we walked toward the music. The sun set directly behind the band. So the longer the concert went on the harder it was to see. Toward the end of the concert she pulled me to her kissing me. I leaned in happily. Realizing her plan too late as my sunglasses left my face. I rolled my eyes laughing at her smirk. "Can I have my glasses back now?" "Nope" she teased popping the p. I reached out to take them from her but my hand only grabbed air. I blinked somewhat disoriented until I seen her halfway down the beach running away. I chased after her, finally catching her down by the dock of the pier. I began tickling her to her to give the glasses back. "Here. Take them" she said between hysterics. Handing the glasses over. We went back to where we were sitting and sat back down on the blanket, watching the sun set. After it set we laid back watching the stars. She broke the peaceful silence. "Top 3 things on your bucket list. Go" I chuckled at the randomness but answered "I want to go hiking on the smoky mountains range, I want to see the Aurora Borealis, and I want to drive a sports car up the coast of California. You?" She replied "I want to get my art in a gallery, I want to see the Eiffel tires at night, and I want to be able to speak Spanish fluently." We smiled talking while star-gazing for another 30 minutes before deciding it was time to head back home 


- so sorry it has taken me so long to update! My life has been so busy that it literally took me a week just to get this much  written! I hope to be able to update next week but I can't guarantee it

That One SummerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя