That's it?

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I opened the door and walked in to see Lucas staring at the door. He stood next to a hole in the structure of it. It took me a second to put it together... Until I seen the blood covering his hand. "You punched a whole in the wall?" "Nice observation" I rolled my eyes at his tone but ignored it not wanting to set him off further  "come here. Let me look at it... You might need stitches" I walked towards him to take his hand but he yanked it away. I worked extra hard to keep my temper at this point. "Why do you care?" He asked. "Because I love you" my tone was more annoyed than one that supported my tone though. His expression was one that promised a challenge. I kept my eyes on his showing that I wasn't going to back down from whatever challenge he offered. "Then prove it." "Everything this summer hasn't been sufficient enough proof?" He didn't respond to my question just continued as if he hadn't been interrupted. "My dad has to go for surgery August 4th keep me company till he comes back on the 9th." I shook my head and thought about the date it was July 22nd and I was scheduled to go back to New York on the 3rd of August which was only a week and a half away. "Lucas you know I can't do that. I promised Riley to be there to help her move our stuff,  I have scholarship interviews, and meeting scheduled with my professors." He laughed dark and low. I would never admit it to him but in that moment I was actually a little scared of him. "If you loved me you'd stay" I rolled my eyes and went to respond but he spoke again cutting me off "I can't believe I fell for someone so selfish" I finally snapped "selfish?!" I yelled. He nodded challenging me to deny it. "I have spent half of my summer here with you in Texas. I worked the whole month of June just to be able to afford to come out here. I've gone to doctors appointments with you and your dad. I think selfish is the least accurate thing you could ever have said to me." "If you're just going to leave In a week and a half anyways there's no point in you staying any longer. Here" I looked down to see what he handed me it was an airline ticket to New York that left tomorrow morning "if that's how you want to end this summer that's fine." I spat before walking out of the barn

That One SummerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя