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A/n- wow I am the worst. So so so sorry for not updating! I have been sick off and on since I wrote on this story last! I will try and keep up but my schedule for this week is crazy so I would expect the wait for the next chapter to be about a week. I am so sorry! Hope you enjoy this chapter and I will try to make the wait not a week if possible!
Maya's POV
The next morning I woke up and headed downstairs. "Morning'" Lucas Said "good morning, huckleberry" we ate breakfast in silence. After a few minutes I decided to break it "so, what is it you wanted to talk about last night?" He looked surprised I had remembered. I chuckled lightly "you didn't think you were getting off that easy did you?" He swallowed heavily "no, I didn't" the silence persisted but I was determined to wait for him to talk this time. "So... at the end of the summer when the plane leaves to go to New York..." he paused again "I won't be boarding it with you and I won't be going to NYU with you and Riley." I could feel the surprise and sadness creeping up on me but kept them out of my expression. "There is a branch for the university of Texas here in Austin that I will be attending. With my dad being sick they need help around here with farm and all... it just didn't feel right leaving" How could I have believed any other outcome was possible? He belonged here and I belonged in New York. I realized that I had begun to hope that this hadn't mattered. But it always would "you're right. And if that's what feels right I'm happy for you."

Lucas' POV
She was lying and I knew it. Of course she didn't want me to leave. But what could I say if she just kept her feelings bottled up like that. "Can we talk..?" But she interrupted me "later" another lie but she continued "I promised to call my mom and I wanted to finish this painting I started" I wanted to stop her, to talk to her, to make her understand that me staying didn't mean I didn't care about her but she was gone already up the stairs. The sound of the door shutting had a strange sense of finality.

That One SummerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя