♢ You Swear In Front Of Him

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You have been searching your room top to bottom for the Gilbert device, for an hour and you were starting to get annoyed. "For f*cks sake!" You moan.

You suddenly feel two arms around your waist. "Well that was sexy as hell." Damon whispers in your ear.

You turn to face him and role your eyes. "Please don't be mad at me but I've lost the Gilbert device."

He smirks. "Well please don't be mad at me but I took it to Pearl this morning."

You glare at him before saying, "I've just wasted an hour of my life. It's a good job that you have a nice ass!"

"Wow I love it when you swear." Damon says.


"Sh*t!" You say. You just stubbed your toe on the table.

Stephan is in the room instantly with his hands on your face. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine I just stubbed my toe." You explain and give him a peck on the lips.

"Oh, well you should know that you're very cute when you swear." He winks.


Klaus was complaining about Tyler not being loyal to him.

"Yeah well he's always been a f*cking asshole." You say.

Klaus smirks and raises his eyebrows.

"I.. Umm.. I meant to say that-"

Klaus cuts you off with a kiss. "I'm proud of you, Love. Swear for me again?" He asks.


Unfortunately for Kol you had to drag him shopping for a new dress. You finally found one that you liked and took it to the woman at the counter.

You were just about to pass her the money when she said "By the way the colour really won't suit you and it will most likely make you look fat." As she looked you up and down.

"You Bitch." You said. You heard Kol laugh from the opposite side of the shop, he's been listening in.

You took the dress and walked towards the exit.

"You have to pay for that!" The woman shouted.

You turn around and compel her, "Yes you're right, I do. But your not going to do anything about it and you will feel guilty about it for the rest of the year."

You turn back around to find Kol right next to you, still laughing.

"You're becoming more like me every minute, darling."

You smirk and flick him on the arm.

"I'm not complaining." He whispers into your ear. "It's very sexy."


You and Elijah were sitting on the couch reading your own books when you noticed the time.

"Crap!" You say. "I'm meant to be meeting my friends."

He puts his book down and kisses you. "I'm have never met anyone who swears so beautifully."

You smile.

"I will drive you there."

"Thanks Elijah." You say.


Tyler had told you to meet him in the town centre. You sat down on the bench and watched the waterfull, the night was quiet and dark.


"F*cking Sh*t!" You say whilst shoving the idiot who scared you far away.

It was Tyler, he bursts out laughing. When he finally calms down and his laugh turns into a snigger, he engulfs you in a hug.

"That was a very idiotic thing to do! I could have killed you." You mumble against his chest.

"That was a very hilarious thing to do! And as if." He says while starting to laugh again.


You and Matt are working on a school project together. You were drawing with felt tip pens when you accidentally got it on Matts hand.

"Sorry!" You say.

He then gets his pen and draws twice as much on your hand. "Payback" He jokes.

You stare at him in shock and aim to draw on his head.

The pen fight commences! You laugh when Matt draws on your nose.

Suddenly you notice that you got some pen on Matts shirt. "Oh sh*t Matt I am so sorry!" You say pointing to the pen mark.

He sniggers a little before saying, "Y/N it's okay, I can wash it off. And since when do you swear?" He raises an eyebrow.

You giggle. "Honestly, since I was about seven! I just try not to." You answer.

You stare into each others eyes and he leans down to kiss you.


When you arrive at school you notice people giving Jeremy some presents. You're confused at first but then you remember that it is his birthday.

You head back to your car, hoping that you remembered to put the present in there. You have a look but you definitely forgot to bring it.

"Sh*t Y/N!" You say, talking to yourself is supposedly the first sign of madness but you shrugged it off.

"Okay, I have two questions." Jeremy says from behind you. How long has he been there? "Firstly, did you just swear? Secondly, what's wrong."

You pull him into a hug. "Happy Birthday Jer. To answer your questions, yes I did swear and I am so sorry but I haven't brought your present." You sigh.

"Hey, I don't mind." He kisses you on your nose. "Besides it gives me an excuse to see you later."

"You don't need an excuse." You smile.

You hug again and start to head for class.

"You're cute when you swear by the way." He says before he walks into the classroom, leaving you standing there blushing.

As soon as you walked through your front door with Enzo you realised you left your phone at the Salvatores. "Oh for f*cks sake." You mutter.

Suddenly Enzos arms are wrapped around your waist. He whispers into your ear "Just because you mutter swear words, does not mean I cannot hear them, Gorgeous... I have vampire hearing."

You chuckle in response. "Well normal people would not have heard." Swiftly you turn around to kiss him on the lips.

After a long boring day you collapse on your bed. "Well that was a sh*t day." You wondered out loud.

"What did you say, baby girl?" Kai's says out of no where causing you to jump.

As you glare at him you notice him snigger. "What's an innocent girl swearing for?"

"Well maybe I'm not that innocent.." You smirk.

"No you're not." Kai replies huskily as he towers over you. "How about we make this sh*t day into a really good one, huh?" He winks.

I loved writing these! Comment your opinion? Xx

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