♢ They get Jealous

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As you walk towards the mystic grill to meet up with Damon in 10 minutes, you hear somebody you recognise call your name. You turn around to find your old high school friend, Carl.

"Oh my gosh, Carl!" You exclaim before embracing him in a hug. "How have you been?"

"I've never been better. It's so good to see you Y/N." Carl replies.

A couple of minutes later, you are both sitting outside of the mystic grill and talking about his adventures across the world.

"You did a bungee jump for charity?! That's so brave." You say.

Carl smirks "I know." He jokes.

"Who is this?" Damon says with a look of disgust on his face, as he walks towards you.

Quickly you give Damon a gentle kiss. "This is Carl, an old high school friend. He just did a bungee ju-"

"Jump for charity, I know, I heard." Damon interrupts. He must have been listening in.

"With the money that I raised, I helped build a school in Africa." Carl says, trying to show off like he always has done.

In shock you stare at him. "That is brilliant Carl. We need more people like you in the world."

"Okay, that's enough." Damon says before looking deeply into Carl's eyes and compelling him "You have had a nice catch up with Y/N. Now leave!"

You glare at Damon and fold your arms.

"It was nice seeing you Y/N, goodbye." Carl says and walks away.

Damon takes Carl's seat and looks at the lunch menu. "So what are we having?" He innocently asks with a smirk.

"Did you really have to do that, Damon?"


"Why?" You snap.

"Because I was Jealous, Y/N." He snaps back. "Because I didn't want you to realise how much better he is for you than I am, okay? Because I am selfish like that and I don't want you to be anyone else's, I want you to be mine!"

Your frown vanishes of your face and a smile appears. His honesty made him adorable sometimes and this was one of those times. Getting out off your seat you walk over and place yourself on Damon's lap.

"There is no need to be jealous Damon. I love you and nothing can change that, especially not Carl." You say as he plays with your hair.

A true smile creeps up on his face and he looks into your eyes with his baby blue ones. "I love you too."

After stressing out for 20 minutes about failing maths, you decide to call Ben who offered to be your tutor. You turned him down at first because you didn't want Stefan to know how stupid you were. Ben said he was free in an hour for your first session and that he would come to your house.

Whilst you wait you clean the house. You didn't want Ben think that you were a slob. When you had 10 minutes left you sit down in front of the TV. A message from Stefan pops up on your phone,

Are you free for a meal at the Mystic Grill? My treat :)

You sigh, you would love to go but Ben would be here soon.

Sorry, I'm at Caroline's. Tomorrow?

You reply. Next you text Caroline, asking if she can back you up if Stefan asks her. The doorbell rings and you invite Ben inside.

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